Start a Code Club in your school

Do you want to get more young people involved in coding and digital making?

Code Club is a global network of free coding clubs for young people aged 9 and above.
Code Clubs run outside of lessons, supported by educators and volunteers, using any
equipment you already have to hand. Code Club is part of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and
provides free resources, training, and step-by-step projects to support you to get young
people excited about coding. Anyone can run a fantastic Code Club — you don’t need any
previous experience in computing.

Why should you start a Code Club?

Code Club provides a space for young people to explore digital making in a fun and safe
environment. Alongside learning about coding concepts, Code Club fosters creativity,
teamwork skills, and problem-solving skills. Head to our blog to see what Fiona, a teacher
from Aberdeenshire, has to say
about the benefits of Code Club.

How do you get started?

Find out more about Code Club on our website or sign up for one of our free training
to help you get started. If you are ready to set up your Code Club, you can head
straight to our ‘Start a Code Club’ page and register your new club. This will give you access
to free resources like progress charts, certificates, posters, and much more!

We’re here to help!

If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Gracher, Code Club Community
Coordinator for Scotland, at

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