Minutes of AGM – Monday 11th May 2020

Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

Via Zoom

Monday 11th May 2020 7pm







Carly Wilson, Marcella Eakin-Watt, Jenny Wilson, Michelle Robertson





Head Teacher Mary Lidstone-Scott, Chair Gilli Hodson, Vice Chair Ben Wild,

Treasurer Shani McMiken, Secretary Susan Hall, Jackie Kernahan, Derek Kernahan,

Heidi Gunther, Louise Cumbley, Debs Nelson, Kim Glover, Zara Gell, Laura Fairburn,



Approval of minutes from 2019 AGM


It was agreed the minutes were a true and accurate account of the 2019 AGM

Proposed       Gilli Hodson

Seconded      Shani McMiken



Chairperson’s Report


We have achieved a lot this year all things considered.

End of term BBQ, successful Bingo Night, set up a generic email address for Parent Council: crossmichaelparentcouncil@gmail.com; PC payed for children to go to Panto at the Fullerton, crackers and gifts for Christmas.

We have completed an application for funding for an outdoor learning facility which was done with the help of Shani McMiken, Lucy Wilson, Debs Nelson and Gilli Hodson.

The constitution has been updated by Shani McMiken and was more complicated than first thought but is now in line with Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisation’s constitution template and should therefore put us in a stronger position when applying for funding/grants in the future.

The council have requested a copy of our minutes, constitution and a list of office bearer to be with them by 28th May and a copy of finances to be sent to them before end of July.

Gilli thanked Susan Hall for her huge contribution to the Parent Council and the school in general over the years and that we are all very sad that she will be leaving us at the end of this year!



Head Teacher’s   Report


School Improvement Plan

  • We will be carrying over our priorities into 2020/ 2021
  • Up until the school closures on 20th March we were making good progress:
  1. Closing the Literacy Gap: PEF funding used to pay for training, resources, and a Learning Assistant to implement an eight-week targeted 1:1 intervention with several pupils from December. Each of these pupils has made significant gains in their spelling age and reading age and it has enabled them to re-join literacy groups at a higher level than before.
  2. Literacy and Language Programmes: Teachers continue to revise curricular programmes in Literacy and Language so that there is consistency in listening & talking, reading, and writing.
  3. Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy: Created for Castle Douglas High School Cluster schools. This now needs to be tweaked to suit our partnership schools and a user-friendly leaflet created for all.
  • CDHS Cluster also provided training for teachers in Technologies (ICT, Digital Literacy, Food Technology and Craft, Design and Technologies) and in Numeracy.




  • Staffing has remained consistent this year with Mrs Glover teaching 4 days in P1-3, Mrs Burton and Mrs Stevens in P3-5 and Miss Seivwright and Mrs Stevens in P5-7.
  • Mrs Wilson resigned in December after a period of long-term absence.
  • Learning Assistant, Mrs B Jennings began to work full time with us in January.
  • Our Catering Assistant, Mrs Rosie Porteous left us in Term 3.
  • Mrs M Martin was successful in securing a post as a Nursery Nurse but remains with us at present.




Crossmichael Achievement of a Level

Predictions for June 2020:

Numeracy On Target

(June 2020)

Not on Target

(June 2020)

P1 12/12 100% 0/12 0%
P4 12/15 80% 3/15 20%
P7 12/12 100% 0/12 0%
Listening & Talking On Target

(June 2020)

Not on Target

(June 2020)

P1 8/12 67% 4/12 33%
P4 12/15 80% 3/15 20%
P7 12/12 100% 0/12 0%


On Target

(June 2020)

Not on Target

(June 2020)

P1 10/12 83% 2/12 17%
P4 13/15 87% 2/15 13%
P7 9/12 75% 3/12 25%


On Target

(June 2020)

Not on Target

(June 2020)

P1 10/12 83% 2/12 17%
P4 12/15 80% 3/15 20%
P7 9/12 75% 3/12 25%
  • Consistency in teaching and the interventions that we are putting in place are impacting positively on attainment.
  • Children who are not on track to achieve their expected CfE Level have interventions in place to support them and we are looking at ways of supporting these children as they learn from home.  (E.g. ‘Literacy Ladders’ resource)

















  • Some P7s working at 3rd Level of Curriculum for Excellence, engaged in maths lessons with Miss Fulton from CDHS
  • We also had Shalla Gray work with P5-7s on the Biosphere Explorers Project culmunating in a visit to Tongland Power Station.
  • We entered the Land Art competition for the Tour of Britain and gained 75K votes!
  • Pupils raised money for our outdoor area by completing a sponsored Autumn Walk and soup and sweet with families.
  • We entered a team into the Stewartry Dance Competition and won the ‘Best Technical Dance’ category.
  • Pupils showcased their learning at two achievement assemblies and an open day.
  • The Parent Council hosted a Bingo Night in the Village Hall. It was well attended and feedback was extremely positive with many parents asking for a repeat performance!
  • We attendedthe pantomime, Cinderella at the Fullarton Theatre.
  • Pupils participated in a variety of sporting events including Jigs and Reels, curling, golf sessions, rugby with J Muir, football sessions, cross country, orienteering with Solway Orienteers, and multi-sports.
  • A variety of after school clubs were on offer.
  • Kate Picken completed a three-week block on singing games with P1-3
  • David Kerr began teaching Spanish to P5-7 pupils.
  • P7s attended an information evening about CDHS
  • Pupils celebrated World Book Day on 5th March involving a Book Swap with local Primary Schools and decorating potatoes



  • Communication has improved with the introduction of the new website and blog.
  • Other methods of communication are emails, class Facebook pages, Group Call text messages, telephone, and face to face meetings.


School Roll

  • We have 83 pupils wishing to attend in August 2020 and were given permission to have a Portacabin erected to accommodate all catchment pupils.




Treasurers Report


Parent Council Income and Expenditure 2019/2020


Opening Balance @ Bank                                                                                                          £1,937.10




28/06/2019                                        Return of float                                                                  £200.00


28/06/2019                                        BBQ income                                                                      £446.38


12/11/2019                                         D & G Council PC funding                                            £174.40


18/11/2019                                         Bingo income (including float £200)                        £851.15




27/06/2019                                         Cash for BBQ float                                                          £200.00


27/06/2019                                         BBQ meat                                                                           £100.00


Crossmichael Primary School Dynamic Earth

school trip                                                                          £428.25


Crossmichael Primary school leavers

gifts, hoodies and ties                                                   £140.50


10/09/2019                                         D & G Council return of PC funding                         £150.00


04/11/2019                                         Halloween party expenses                                          £74.30


15/11/2019                                          Float for bingo night                                                      £200.00


29/11/2019                                         Crossmichael village hall hire for bingo                  £25.00


05/12/2019                                         Christmas crackers and Christmas gifts                  £90.25


08/01/2020                                         The Fullerton panto                                                       £553.00


30/03/2020                                         D & G Council School let (Easter Fair)                     £10.00




Closing Balance @ Bank                                                                                                             £1,637.73





Election Of Office Bearers 2020/2021


Chair              Gilli Hodson              Proposed Susan Hall                      Seconded Shani McMiken

Vice Chair     Ben Wild                    Proposed Gilli Hodson                    Seconded Jackie Kernahan

Secretary       Debs Nelson             Proposed Louise Cumbley             Seconded Heidi Gunther

Treasurer       Shani McMiken        Proposed Susan Hall                      Seconded Kim Glover





Approval and resolution of amended constitution


The proposed amendments were changing the word “board” to “Committee” throughout the constitution to make it sound less corporate and more in keeping with a Parent Council.

Also proposed was removing the reference to the board (now Committee) being just the office bearers as that seemed quite exclusive.

It had been considered exclusive limiting the membership to 15 despite this being the norm in lots of Parent Council constitutions and it was agreed to remove this.

Also in the constitution rather than referring to Members’s meetings it might be clearer to amend this to refer to them as Parent Council meetings (which is what we call them generally) throughout the document it will not change the substance of the constitution in any way.


The proposed amended constitution had been circulated to the Parent Forum with the notice about the AGM which allowed a reasonable time for members of the Parent Forum to respond and no responses had been received, all attendees at the meeting consented to the amendments which were

Proposed                   Jackie Kernahan

Seconded                  Kim Glover


We can circulate constitution with changes before the next Members/ parent council meeting










Mary was asked a few questions about home schooling, the new porta cabin and P7’s end of term options.  A discussion was had by all.

The Parent Council offered to help the school in any way it can to deal with the current circumstances.


Meeting closed at 8.30pm



Date of Next Meetings


Next PC Meeting will be 7pm Monday 8th June 2020 Via Zoom


Next AGM Monday 10th May at 7pm 2021

Parent Council Minutes – 3rd March 2020

Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting


Carly Wilson, Marcella Eakin-Watt, Eva Pope, Suzy King


Head Teacher Mary Lidstone-Scott, Chair Gilli Hodson, Treasurer Shani McMiken, Secretary Susan Hall, Jackie Kernahan, Heidi Gunther, Ben Wild. Emma McCracken, Alan McCracken, Jenni Wilson, Debs Nelson, Lucy Wilson, Mungo Bryson, Vicky Milby, Heather Hamilton, Michelle Robertson, Kim Glover.


Matters Arising

Gilli has written a letter to the ECO Group asking a few questions about their proposals/plans.

Communications – some parents/carers didn’t realise the blog had been updated and information changed or updated, this will be a continuous thing.

Thank you to Mungo for the offer of his holiday park for P6 + P7 overnight trip which is on 18th/19th.

Curling date has been organised

Rugby and Orienteering is taking place at the moment

The costing for the magazine requested by teachers are in @£70 per year.

Proposed Ben Wild

Seconded Shani McMiken


Head Teachers Report

What have we done since the last meeting?

(Please check the school blog for weekly updates)

  • Principal Teacher has responsibility for organising sporting events
  • 27th January a team from the partnership entered the Jigs and Reels Day of Dance
  • Kate Picken completed a three week block on singing games with P1-3
  • P5-7 visited Tongland Power Station with the Galloway Biospheres Project
  • Parents were invited to an open day on 4th February to find out more about life as a pupil in school
  • P5-7 are engaging in a block of orienteering with the Solway Orienteers
  • P5-7 are involved in a block of rugby with John Muir
  • Teachers and Learning Assistants were trained in a new method of teaching numeracy
  • P7s attended an information evening last night with their parents to learn more about Castle Douglas High School


What’s ahead?

  • World Book Day on 5th March – Book Swap with local Primary Schools and decorating potatoes
  • Curling on Monday 9th March for P6
  • P4 swimming every Tue, Wed and Thurs from 17th March- 2nd April
  • Galloway Activity Centre Residential for P6 and P7 pupils on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th May
  • Parents Evenings – Thurs 12th March from 5.30-7.30pm and Wed 18th March from 3.15-5.30pm
  • P5 and P6 golf taster session on 16th March
  • Cross Country on 25th March
  • P5-7 involved in a block of 4 x Spanish lessons provided by specialist, David Kerr
  • School Show date changed to TUESDAY 31st MARCH at 6.30pm in the Village Hall
  • 30am Easter Church Service on Friday 3rd April


School Improvement Plan

  • We will be seeking feedback and ideas to add in to our ‘Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy’ during the Parents Evenings. We need this document to reflect our Vision, Values and Aims in our schools.
  • We are making good progress in revising our literacy and language programmes and hope to have them ready for August 2020.
  • The ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ intervention is working well as a 1:1 intervention with selected pupils from P1-3. Mrs Clifton, Mrs Henry and I have also been trained on the ‘Fastlane’ approach which helps support pupils in P4-7 with their literacy on a 1:1 basis too.


Chairman’s  Report


Gilli thanked everyone for coming it was lovely to see so many in attendance.

We have been asked to have a specific email just for Parent Council it is

crossmichaelparentcouncil@gmail.com; office bearers of the parent should all have the password for this email to help when needed.

Mel McGill sent PCForum survey and those that expressed the information it was then forwarded.

The road closure week went smoothly as was possible with no issues.

Blackcraig Wind Farm had a meeting which Gilli attended.

Josh Wood was in the school last week discussing Bikeability and he will be on site every Thursday to help when it is on.

There is a “James Clark Maxwell” event on in Parton which all are invited there are flyers in the school if anyone needs more information.


Treasurers Report


Opening Balance £1647.73
Income None
D&G School Let Easter Fair 30.3.2019 £10.00
Closing Balance £1637.73


Last year’s accounts have been audited.


Coronavirus guidelines/handwashing/hygiene

There is advice on school blog or information on NHS website, the council will keep us updated on any changes that need to be made. Wash your hands.


School Roll and Staffing


Staffing and Enrolments

  • Mrs Melanie Martin is leaving us after the summer holidays to take up a post as a Nursery Nurse in Kirkcudbright Primary School. We will miss her very much as she is a wonderful Learning Assistant, Clerical Assistant and a valued member of the school community.  We wish her well in the future and thank her for all that she has done so far.
  • We have capacity for 75 pupils in school and 83 catchment pupils wish to attend in August 2020.
  • We need to have a conversation about how we could accommodate these extra pupils.
  • We do not know what our staffing will look like yet as we are waiting for confirmation.


A discussion was had with all in attendance, Gilli will email John Thin and Larann Foss to ask for a meeting as soon as is possible.


Positive Relationship Policy

Mary covered this in her report.


Natasha’s Bench and Unveiling Ceremony

The bench has been made and will get installed this weekend by Ben and his father.  We need to celebrate this, Mary will speak to Derek and take guidance from him, Kirstie and Cameron.


Outdoor Classroom

Mary has spoken to education department “Larann Foss” a possible site for the outdoor classroom would be at the playpark corner.  Gilli went to Blackcraig Windfarm meeting in Parton, it all sounded very positive.  We need 3 quotes for work, last day for applications to be submitted is 27th March.  It was decided a subcommittee would be best to take this on. Debs, Shani, Gilli and Lucy volunteered to do this.


Fundraiser for School Show

100 squares sheet has been prepared, bath bombs, bags and beeswax covers were being made by children to sell on the night.  It was discussed that possibly 2 shows would be better one in afternoon (rehearsal) and the other in the evening.  This would give us a better chance of selling all the crafts and lucky squares.


Leaving “do” for Mrs Martin

An afternoon tea was suggested, with a memory book and lots of past work colleagues, a hoodie has been ordered.  Mel has suggested doing a sponsored cycle before she leaves to raise funds for the school. We have time to organise.

Rosie Porteous (kitchen assistant) is leaving us on 13th March, we will send out a group call asking if anyone would like to donate to a leaving gift, we don’t have much time so closing date on donations will be Tuesday 10th March to give us time to select a gift.  We will all be sorry to loose Rosie and Mrs Martin.



P5, 6 & 7 are doing a block of rugby with John Muir from Stewartry Rugby and same class are also have a block of Spanish Lessons.

There was an unplanned fire alarm practice, all children were safe and it has now been decided that the school should have a spare key to the hall in case of any future emergencies.

Call out to parents/carers for spare clothes for school stock (socks, trousers, trackies etc)

Also a plea for toys, games, books to add and expand our story sacks.

25th March Cross country will take place.


Meeting closed at 8.30pm


Date of Next Meeting


Next Meeting will be AGM Monday 11th May at 7pm

Minutes of Meeting – 16th January 2020

Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

Thursday 16th January 2020 7pm


Carly Wilson, Marcella Eakin-Watt, Emma McCracken, Jenni Wilson, Debs Nelson



Head Teacher Mary Lidstone-Scott, Chair Gilli Hodson, Treasurer Shani McMiken, Secretary Susan Hall, Jackie Kernahan, Derek Kernahan, Kate Hunter, Sarah Cooper, Heidi Gunther, Ben Wild.


Matters Arising

Any matters arising from minutes – Mary did send a summary about the Transformation Meetings – firstly they are going to look at schools that are not at Full capacity, the rules around less populated schools have changed. We are still looking for new chairs for staffroom.

Proposed Shani McMiken

Seconded Jackie Kernahan


Head Teachers Report

Since Previous Meeting on 7th November:

  • Some Primary 7 pupils from Gelston and Crossmichael engaged in maths lessons with Miss Fulton, a maths teacher from Castle Douglas High School. This resulted in a trip to CDHS where pupils participated in a maths treasure hunt around the school.
  • We also had Shalla Gray work with P5-7s on the Biosphere Explorers Project.
  • We entered a team into the Stewartry Dance Competition and won the ‘Best Technical Dance’ category. Thanks to Mrs Glover for coaching the team.
  • Pupils showcased their learning at our achievement assembly on 13th
  • Thank you for the highly successful Bingo Night in the Village Hall. It was well attended and feedback was extremely positive with many parents asking for a repeat performance!
  • Thank you for funding our tickets for the pantomime to see Cinderella at the Fiullarton Theatre. It was a lovely evening.
  • Mrs Wilson resigned so we now have a 0.4fte permanent vacancy for a teacher.


Attainment and Achievement:

  • I held tracking and monitoring meetings with teachers where they reported on pupil progress. We are slowly beginning to see attainment rising as a result of having continuity in teaching (particularly in P1-3).
  • We need to report on curricular levels achieved by pupils in P1, P4 and P7 by June each year. (We would expect pupils in P1 to have achieved Early Level of the curriculum by June 2020, P4s to  have achieved First Level and P7s to have achieved Second Level.)  The stretch aim is for at least 85% of pupils to be achieving their expected curricular levels.  In June 2019 our results in literacy and numeracy were not very good:

  • In November, teachers reported the number of pupils who were on track to achieve their expected curricular levels. We then looked at individuals not on track and put interventions in place to support them and to help them to be on target.  In November, teachers predicted:
Crossmichael Achievement of a Level

Predictions for June 2020:

Numeracy On Target

(June 2020)

Not on Target

(June 2020)

P1 12/12 100% 0/12 0%
P4 12/15 80% 3/15 20%
P7 12/12 100% 0/12 0%
Listening & Talking On Target

(June 2020)

Not on Target

(June 2020)

P1 8/12 67% 4/12 33%
P4 12/15 80% 3/15 20%
P7 12/12 100% 0/12 0%


On Target

(June 2020)

Not on Target

(June 2020)

P1 10/12 83% 2/12 17%
P4 13/15 87% 2/15 13%
P7 9/12 75% 3/12 25%


On Target

(June 2020)

Not on Target

(June 2020)

P1 10/12 83% 2/12 17%
P4 12/15 80% 3/15 20%
P7 9/12 75% 3/12 25%
  • Teachers will meet with me again in March and this data will be updated.
  • The general trend is that attainment dips around P4 but we know the reasons behind this and we are addressing this. We continue to target pupils in P2,P3 and P4 with interventions in literacy and numeracy to help plug the gaps in their learning caused by inconsistencies in teaching and learning, due to many changes of staff.  We are also improving our curricular programmes in listening & talking, reading and writing.
  • Most pupils completed standardised assessments before the Christmas holidays and these results are heartening too.

Progress Against Our School Improvement Plan:

  • I am delighted to announce that the ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ intervention has had a positive impact on learners with two pupils making gains of at least 12 months in their reading and spelling ages. This is an eight week intensive course designed to improve pupils’ knowledge and skills in reading and writing and to enable them to slot back in to class at a higher level than before.
  • All staff are being trained in the methodology so that they can adapt it as a whole class approach.
  • Some pupils have also been targeted for a ‘Closing the Numeracy Gap’ intervention and all staff will be trained in this approach during the February INSET days. That way the methodology will have a greater impact on learners.
  • Two of my Principal Teachers, Miss Reid and Mrs Glover spent a day looking at existing programmes in listening & talking, reading and writing. They looked at current research about how children learn, analysed our attainment data and made decisions about what works and what needs to be revised.  We plan to discuss this further at our collegiate meetings and hope that we will have consistency in the programmes in place by August 2020 leading to better outcomes for learners.
  • Mrs Stevens has been involved in a working party at Cluster level looking at our positive relationships policy. The Cluster schools have come up with a draft policy and we will add our procedures in at the end.  I had hoped to share this with you tonight but it is not quite ready yet so I will be sending it home for feedback before the February INSET days.

What is Planned for This Term

  • Pupils will be performing their Burns Poetry in class on 24th January and there will be a School Burns Dinner on Tuesday 28h
  • We are having an open day for parents instead of an achievement assembly on Tuesday 4th You are welcome to come and observe what and how your child learns in school.  You are welcome to stay for as long as you wish or you can join us for one chunk of the day.  E.g. 08:50-10:30, 10:50-12:30 or 13:15-14:55.  Parents are encouraged to contact the school office with their preferred time.
  • We are having a school show on Wednesday 1st April at 6.30pm called ‘The Bumblesnouts Save the World’ which encourages us to be eco-friendly and to look after our world.
  • The Easter Church Service is at 9.30am on Friday 3rd
  • I will be advertising the vacancy left by Mrs Wilson for 2 days per week.
  • We have £3500 in our school fund to go towards playground developments including an outdoor classroom (to be discussed separately).
  • The Pupil Council have asked us to buy some mini goals and footballs for play time. They are involving all pupils in providing ideas before the next meeting.
  • The Pupil Council have asked to participate in the RSPB Big Birdwatch from 25th-27th January so we are going ahead with this.
  • The Eco-Schools Group have a letter that they wish to pass on to you.

 Playground Developments

  • I contacted Twynholm Primary School about their outdoor classroom. It was built by James Smith fencing at a cost of £8,000.  The school got £12,000 funding from Castle MacLellan Foods Ltd in Kirkcudbright.  This enabled them to use the surplus for playground development.  I have contacted them and I am waiting for them to get back to me..
  • Ben’s father has designed a bench in memory of Natasha and I have asked pupils and staff where to place this. They suggets in front of the P5-7 classroom as it will be in a sunny spot.  I suggest that it is concreted into place with a wider base around it so that it is not damaged when the grass is being cut using industrial machines.

Chairman’s  Report

Gilli thanked everyone for coming and wished them a happy new year.

We would like to thank Mrs Martin for the breakfast club and the book fair.

Also we would like to thank Andrew Wilson for helping with clear out.

A discussion was had about the transformation meetings if anyone wants more info or would like to go along to one Gilli will forward the info via email.

Gelston has had a reprieve they are to keep their hot meals for the moment.

Parent Council supplied the Christmas crackers, Christmas sweets and the panto, thank you to all parents and extended families for helping raise funds for these.

Thanks also to the kitchen staff, Wilma and Rosie the Christmas lunch was fantastic.

Gilli read a letter addressed to the parent council from the “Eco Group” it was a request for compost bins inside and out. A few questions were decided upon to as the Eco Group ie costings, how many and where, and what were they going to do with the compost.



Treasurers Report


Opening Balance £1490.43
D&G Council Funding £174.40
Bingo Income (includes float) £851.15
Bingo Float £200.00
Bingo hall hire £25.00
Christmas gifts & crackers £90.25
Christmas Panto £553.00
Closing Balance £1647.73


Feedback on paperless communication / school website

The general feedback was that most people were getting used to it and were happy with it. We don’t know who looks at website we may need to see if we can log the traffic on the site.  Microsoft office forms might also be a good way to communicate. It seems to be working well for the school too.


Outdoor classroom / playpark / bench

The wood has been bought (Elm) and the bench is just about to be built. It was agreed by the children that it should be sighted in front of the school but not under the tree.  A plaque for the bench will be added with wording chosen by Derek. The outdoor classroom was discussed during Marys report.  We are going to apply for Castle Maclellan grant and contact Craig Smith, Ian Smith and Alan Smith for costings. Blackcraig Windfarm funding opens again on 20th January most of these applications need to be community based we may need input from Community Council and/or Youth Club.


P6/7 Trip

Various different options were discussed and Mary would do some research.


Sports / Daily Mile

Swimming was missed due to lifts, parents would be happy to take children if they knew these events were coming up.  Curling is usually about now, have we missed it.

Mary didn’t think the daily mile was having a positive effect on the children as it was disruptive to their day.  She is willing to try again with a small test group once everything else has settled in.  A discussion was then had about sports, school involvement and sports available to our children.


Subscription to magazine school would like

The school would like “First News” magazine, we would get paper copies there are digital activities, lots to read and news quizzes.  We do not have a price quoted yet possibly £100 per year. The PC asked for a copy of the magazine to have a look at and costings before a decision was made.



None raised


Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 3rd March 7pm


Meeting closed at 8.30pm


Cyber Resilience and Safer Internet Training for Parents

Good afternoon,

Please see information below and attached poster re Cyber Resilience & Safer Internet training for practitioners and parents.

In response to a number of queries regarding sharing information and involving parents in the cyber resilience & internet safety work of our schools the DG STEM team, in partnership with Education Scotland have organised four session for school staff, and representatives from parent councils.

This training sessions will be presented by George Milliken, Development Officer – Digital Skill, Education Scotland and will offer practical advice to practitioners & representatives from parent councils as they work together to promote cyber resilience & safer internet use by children and young people to their wider parent forums & school communities.

The interactive session will inform attendees of the current guidance and best practice for staying safe online, avoiding potential hazards and recovering from setbacks. Attendees will gain content knowledge and familiarise yourself with suitable resources to support young people with CRIS.

We would hope those present at the twilight session will then take the learning back to their own establishments and Parent Councils, and with support from the DG STEM Team provide opportunities to share these important messages wider across their school community.

Twilight session are planned for:

16/3/20 – Hecklegirth Primary, Annan 4-5.30pm

17/3/20 – Glenluce Primary 4-5.30pm

18/3/20 – Dalbeattie Learning Campus 4-5.30pm

19/3/20 – The Bridge, Dumfries 4-5.30pm

Sessions can be booked via DG CPD (for school staff) and via https://bit.ly/2DHrLaO for parents.

Information will also be sent directly to Parent Councils but an information poster can be found attached to share with your own Parent Council representatives.


Karen Creighton

Miss Karen Creighton

DG STEM Teacher (PT)

Twitter – @DGSTEMMissC


Cyber Resilience 

Minutes of Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting – 7th November 2019

Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

Thursday 7th November 2019 7pm


Carly Wilson, Marcella Eakin-Watt, Louise Cumbley, Lucy Wilson, Suzy King, Emma McCracken, Ben Wild


Head Teacher Mary Lidstone-Scott, Chair Gilli Hodson, Treasurer Shani McMiken, Secretary Susan Hall, Jackie Kernahan, Kate Hunter, Sarah Cooper, Heidi Gunther, Debs Nelson, Jenny Wilson

Matters Arising

Any matters arising from minutes – Shani has had a look at the constitution, there is no point amending anything until the next AGM. The minutes were accepted as a true record of last meeting.

Proposed Shani McMiken

Seconded Mary Lidstone-Scott

Head Teachers Report

School Improvement Plan Updates:

· Our targeted intervention in ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ is having a very positive impact on targeted pupils – look at examples from CLG Big Book

· All staff attended a training day in August with a focus on restorative approaches to managing behaviour and fostering positive relationships. We are already seeing a positive impact with a reduction in the frequency and amount of recorded behavioural incidents. We hope to share our draft ‘Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy’ with parents soon and ask for feedback.

Learners’ Experiences

· The Autumn Walk raised £1118 as our final total. Thank you to everyone who sponsored us.

· Pupils enjoyed our recent Halloween parties. Thank you to all parents who came to help decorate the hall and to supervise activities.

· P4-7 children have been receiving lessons in Tin Whistle from Feis Rois and there will be a performance scheduled in the next few weeks to showcase their learning.

· P4-7 are also having input from the Biospheres Explorers Officer to learn more about our local biosphere. Details are in the newsletter on the blog.

· Pupils in P3-7 were visited by the RSPB who talked to them about the RSPB/ WWT/ Galloway Glens project on Greenland white fronted geese. As part of this project geese were tagged for monitoring purposes so pupils can track their migration and whereabouts. This also acted as a stimulus for their Art work with Mrs Bielinski.

· Thank you to everyone who supported us by voting for us in the Tour of Britain Land Art Competition. We were overwhelmed by the support shown to us from people all over Scotland and around the world. We are waiting for the results to be announced.

· We are having an Achievement Assembly on 13th December to showcase learning.


· At Crossmichael, Mrs Wilson continues to be absent from work. Mrs Glover continues to teach the P1-3 pupils on a Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri and supply teacher, Katie Rae, is teaching them on a Thursday for continuity.

· We have appointed Georgina Benson as our new Clerical Assistant who will work on a Tuesday and Friday at Gelston.

· I have requested more additional support hours to help provide more targeted support for individual pupils. I am waiting to hear if this has been successful.

· Teachers have a list of times that parent helpers can support them in class. I have asked individual teachers to contact parents directly to make arrangements.


· Our new website and blog is now the main source of information for parents and families. I would be interested to find out how useful you are finding this?

· We are trying to email parents and use the blog instead of sending home paper copies of letters, etc. This will help reduce printing costs.

Chairman’s Report

Both transformation events have taken place, Shani represented the school at these. We have been sent a summery and proposed budget, Gilli will email these out to anyone that is interested. Nothing concrete seems to be decided yet. There is a meeting onn21st November of PGPCF for all PC in the area. Today was nationwide “outside classroom day” to try and make children more aware of their surroundings.

The Soup & Sweet and walk was very good and the children all seemed to enjoy the Halloween party’s.

Treasurers Report


Opening Balance £1805.73



Return of Finance to school funds £150.00

Halloween party expenses £74.30

Leavers hoodies £91.00

Closing Balance £1490.43

Bingo Night

Gilli has asked Liz to be caller

There would be prizes for a line and full house, 5 games in total. We need 5 small prizes and 5 large prizes. Debs would get large prizes (boxes of biscuits) and small prizes (advent calendars).

Rosie has kindly offered to make a cake to be raffles off.

We need to get a group call out to as for tray bakes for break and raffle prizes.

Hall will be open from 6.15pm. If helpers could be there for 5.30pm to help set up.

Debs will also get coffee and tea, Gilli Milk and juice. Gilli will ask Irving’s for shortbread and mincemeat pies. Mary Susan and Jackie will help set up. Group call will go out on Friday 8th November.

Transformation Events and Council Budget Cuts

Gilli will email out info to anyone that would like to take a look. Mary discussed some of the items on the list. Loosing additional needs for support teachers so no 1 to 1. Gelston will go down to 2days hot food and 3 days cold food due to their roll


Emails and group calls were discussed as we are trying to be more eco friendly

Involving more parents

We need to encourage more parents. It was thought if we send out a survey monkey to see what would be best days and times to hold meetings to get more parents along. Breakfast club and after the Christmas service were suggested. A big breakfast after the New Year might be a possibility.

P6/7 school trip

Louise sent a message ia Gilli asking about the overnight Carlingwark trip. Mary said she would look into and price up Galloway activity centre, Abernethy and Barcaple. A campout in school grounds might also be an option.

Playground/Playpark/Outdoor Classroom/Benches Update

Ben sent an email with info about bench, Gilli will give Ben the go ahead to get it done before Kirstie leaves. Upgrade to playpark on hold as we will need to wait for next lot of Blackcraig funding. Accounts need auditing for an application, Kate mentioned that Sam might be able to help with this. Also Lyndsay Smith does the accounts for Catstrand, she might be willing to help. Outdoor classroom (Twynholm has one) Alan Smith built it – the sponsored walk money will go towards this plus £700 that has been ring-fenced for this. Or a bottle shelter CD primary have one for their bikes.


We need crackers for the Christmas dinner tables.

Tubes of sweetie as gift from santa and wrapping paper.

If anyone can come help wrap it would be most appreciated.

School Show

School Show, Mary will have to discuss this with staff first.

Bits and Bobs including Teachers Wish Lists

Aquila possibly subscribe to this for the school £55 per year – Mary would talk to teachers

Teachers would like to use some of the sponsor money to buy new games/jigsaws. £100 per class.

Mary asked if anyone could help with clearing out sheds and gym cupboards, Sarah Cooper has a trailer that could take stuff to dump.



Date of Next Meeting

16th January 7pm

Meeting closed at 9pm

Parent Council Bingo Night

Please join us for our Bingo Night in Crossmichael Village Hall on Friday 15th November at 7pm.

Our proceeds will enable pupils to attend the pantomime ‘Cinderella’ at the Fullarton Theatre, Castle Douglas.

Please support us by:

  • handing a raffle prize into the school office by Thursday 14th November,
  • donating a tray bake (bought or made), and/or
  • helping to set up the Village Hall at 5.30pm on Friday 15th November.

We appreciate your help.


Best wishes,

The Parent Council

Crossmichael Parent Council Minutes – September 2019


Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

7pm Monday 9th September 2019




Carly Wilson, Marcella Eakin-Watt, Debs Nelson, Kim Glover, Louise Cumbley, Lucy Wilson



Head Teacher Mary Lidstone-Scott, Chair Gilli Hodson, Vice Chair Ben Wild, Treasurer Shani McMiken, Secretary Susan Hall, Jackie Kernahan,


Matters Arising

Any matters arising from minutes will be dealt with in agenda. The minutes were accepted as a true record of last meeting.

Proposed Shani McMiken

Seconded Jackie Kernahan


Head Teachers Report

SIP focus

  • Targeted interventions to raise attainment in literacy and numeracy include ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ and ‘Closing the Numeracy Gap’
  • Partnership schools are developing an improved Literacy and Language programme so that there is consistency in programmes taught in l&t, reading and writing.
  • Partnership Schools are developing a ‘Better Relationships, Better Learning’ policy in collaboration with all stakeholders, Cluster Schools and D&G Council. I am on the regional implementation group.  There is an expectation that all schools will focus on anti-bullying procedures alongside this.


  • Mrs Wilson continues to be absent from work and we wish her a speedy recovery. In the meantime, Mrs Glover is teaching the P1-3 pupils on a Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri and supply teacher, Katie Rae, is teaching them on a Thursday for continuity.
  • We have one full time Learning Assistant (Mrs Martin) and Mrs Clifton is shared between the schools as she is delivering our interventions to close the poverty related attainment gap. Her wages are paid with our ‘Pupil Equity Funding’ so her remit is focused.  This means that there is less general support within classes and due to the current financial climate we will be reliant on support from volunteers in school.


  • New website to be created where:

– pupils have capacity to blog about their learning and achievements

– there is capacity to share minutes of groups such as Parent Council, Pupil Council, House/ Vice Captains, Eco Group, Health Group, etc.

– newsletters available

– parental links to suggest ways to support your child with learning at home

– calendar

– school meals menu

– links to Parental Engagement resources

– Share SIP priorities

– Links to Survey Monkey to help inform school improvements

  • HT meeting Mr Tyson on 16th September to begin to create the website.
  • Tomorrow Cluster HTs are being introduced to a school based app to see if it would be useful to replace many of the Group Call texts.

Health and Safety Training

  • HTs expected to complete an IOSH Managing Safely e-learning course. This is a national requirement.  It is expected to take 60 hours and involves an exam and practical project to be completed.

Road Safety

  • Local residents are asking the school to become involved in encouraging vehicles to slow down in the village. The current speed activated signs are measuring the number of vehicles exceeding the speed limit.  After a month this information will be collated by Anthony Topping (Team Leader – Network Strategy and Road Safety) and there will be discussions about next steps.  Would the Parent Council like a role in communicating this to parents too?  Will we do a short campaign with the Pupil Council?


  • D&G Council have to save £30 Million from 2019-2021.
  • D&G Council has saved £92 Million over last 6 years.
  • D&G Council needs Education to reduce its budget by 10-15% by 2021.
  • Letter received by Mary to be shared with Parent Council. It is from Gillian Brydson regarding consultation with parents about what this may look like. (Mary shared letter.)

School Budget

  • Require parents to help complete grant applications for playground developments (e.g. P1-3 outdoor area and Natasha Benson’s outdoor classroom)
  • School having a sponsored Autumn walk on 10th October after a shared lunch.
  • School show before Easter holidays to raise money for school funds too.


Chairman’s  Report

We had the school BBQ at the end of term which was a huge success and a lot of fun for all. Gilli went along to the Blackcraig Windfarm meeting and discovered a few pieces of information for us if we were to apply in next round of funding.  It has to be the parent council NOT the school to apply, Shani and Gilli will meet to discuss what is need to apply next time and to see which pieces of the playpark equipment will be needing replaced, it was too short notice this time as quotes and pricings had to be given. Gilli suggested a group of people got together in plenty of time to discuss the options.(Subcommittee a date was to be set for this)

David McIssac passed away during the holidays, the school would like to pass on condolences to Sue his partner. A card had been handed into school for all the children and teachers that would like to sign (this would be chased up).

Congratulations to Mel and Ros with their ground art, it looked fantastic on the television and from the air. A very positive thing for the school.


Treasurers Report

9th September 2019
Opening Balance £1937.10
Return of Float £200.00
BBQ Income £446.38
Henderson’s Butchers BBQ Meat £100.00
Leavers Presents (Ties) £49.50
Dynamic Earth – School Trip £428.25
BBQ Float £200.00
Closing Balance £1805.73





New Vice Chair

Ben Wild agreed to be nominated

Proposed Shani McMiken

Seconded Gilli Hodson



It May Be time for a group of people to get together to amend the constitution or not? This can be done at the next meeting.  There are no powers stated on the old constitution and the AGM is in June not May.


Education Budget 2020

Vicky sent a letter from Gillian Brydson about the budget September/October not sure how much influence we would have, we could meet as a parent council. Mary said it would be great if someone could attend and went on to let us know the possible things that might be discussed.  Letter from Gillian Brydson is attached.


Playground – playpark, outdoor classroom, bench

A discussion was had about funds, Mary will speak to Debs and Kim about Natasha’s Bench.  We could look to the lottery funding for the outdoor classroom and possibly to the college for costings and help to build with trainees.


Road Safety

There have been a few complaints about the speed of the cars when coming into the village and to and from the school.  Could we all just slow down and be aware of the residents, children and animals.  Thank you.



Children can dress up there will be a Halloween party in the school.

Parent Council will supply apples, doughnuts and juice and if there were any parents/guardians able to help please let the school know.

Parent Council will pay for the children to go to the Pantomime at the Fullerton theatre, date to be set.

School will organise Santa for the Christmas party’s and it was decided that selection boxes were to be given to the children this year instead of books. Parent Council will buy crackers for school dinner and selection boxes for party and wrap them too.



Parents can give Gilli their email addresses and she will include them in any information sharing emails.  There will be a Parent Council email list and a general school email list.

The best way for parents to contact the school is call the office and make an appointment to speak to a teacher.



Family Bingo Night – we need a bingo caller

Tea & Coffee – helpers

Cakes & tray bakes – donations

Christmas cake to Raffle – Ask Rosie Porteous

Possible dates either Friday 15th or 22nd November

Village Hall Crossmichael – Gilli will ask Nicola about the hall.



Mary would like to thank everyone for all their help and support.

Susan asked if 2020 leavers were to have hoodies could they have them at the beginning of the summer term this way they would wear them at school – parents will have to be contacted about purchase of these but Mary didn’t see a problem with this.


Meeting closed at 9pm


Next Parent Council Meeting Thursday 7th November 6.30pm


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