Parental Support from Connect Scotland and D&G – 15th June 2020

Connect Scotland is an organisation which supports parents as partners in education.  Here are the latest updates from them and from D&G.


  1. Connect Scotland

Connect Survey: What’s Next and How are you Doing? – live now until the end of June.

Interim findings of the survey so far:

Additional support: Enquire is the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning, managed by Children in Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government. Enquire offers extensive support and information to families about anything relating to additional support for learning.

Talking about Transitions – which can also be accessed through Connect

Education Scotland also provide the following support

A reminder of the weekly newsletter for parents:

Save the Children – resources to help support parents and kids during Lockdown


  1. Respect Me:Positive relationships are hugely important to a child’s health and wellbeing and bullying can  have negative impacts on both mental and physical health. We all have an important role to play in helping children deal with and cope with bullying behaviour when it happens but also to help children learn all about positive relationships.


In our summer 2020 webinar series we will be guiding you through important topics related to bullying. We’ll bring you up to date guidance, resources, and organisations that can help you support a child  to deal with bullying behaviour whether it’s happening online or face to face.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact us:


Detailed Programme Descriptions:

Wednesday, 22 July 2020, 6.30-7.30pm

Getting ready for High School. Transitions, Friendships and Positive Relationships

Moving to high school is an exciting time but for some children worries about bullying can feature at this time. Positive relationships play an important part in everyone’s health and wellbeing. Find out more about  how you can help children enjoy positive relationships, be respectful of others and prevent bullying behaviour.


Wednesday, 26 August 2020, 6.30-7.30pm

Online Bullying

Children are spending more time than ever before online.  In the most part they enjoy positive experiences of learning and connection but find out more about what can be done when children experience bullying online


Wednesday, 23 September 2020, 6.30-7.30pm

Helping Children Develop Resilience


We are all currently experiencing unprecedented changes to our daily lives and there is much we can learn from research on resilience to support ourselves and our loved ones through this experience. Find out more about what resilience is and how we can help children to develop their resilience in order to be able to cope with life’s challenges and adverse experiences such as bullying. w:



  1. Chat with Us – Dumfries and Galloway Council – Deadline Monday at 9.00am for Questions 


Chat With Us….

We are hosting a series of public online Q&A events focused on Community Support, Business Support and Children, Young People and Parents.  Further information about the latest events can be found below:

Our eighth Children and Young People online Q&A will be available to view on Thursday 18 June.

The topic for this event is “Chat with us on…Helping each other and your friends”.  For this event we will have Councillor Ros Surtees, Vice Chair of Education and Learning Committee, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Audrey Lowrie, Safeguarding Manager, and Gayle Finlay, Youth Worker answering your questions.

If you have a question about this topic you can submit it advance by 9am on Monday 15 June, and can do so anonymously if you wish. Responses will be pre-recorded and published online on Thursday 18 June.

To submit a question, or for further information please see

Here is the video from our seventh Children and Young People online Q&A.


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