Parent Council Minutes – 3rd March 2020

Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting


Carly Wilson, Marcella Eakin-Watt, Eva Pope, Suzy King


Head Teacher Mary Lidstone-Scott, Chair Gilli Hodson, Treasurer Shani McMiken, Secretary Susan Hall, Jackie Kernahan, Heidi Gunther, Ben Wild. Emma McCracken, Alan McCracken, Jenni Wilson, Debs Nelson, Lucy Wilson, Mungo Bryson, Vicky Milby, Heather Hamilton, Michelle Robertson, Kim Glover.


Matters Arising

Gilli has written a letter to the ECO Group asking a few questions about their proposals/plans.

Communications – some parents/carers didn’t realise the blog had been updated and information changed or updated, this will be a continuous thing.

Thank you to Mungo for the offer of his holiday park for P6 + P7 overnight trip which is on 18th/19th.

Curling date has been organised

Rugby and Orienteering is taking place at the moment

The costing for the magazine requested by teachers are in @£70 per year.

Proposed Ben Wild

Seconded Shani McMiken


Head Teachers Report

What have we done since the last meeting?

(Please check the school blog for weekly updates)

  • Principal Teacher has responsibility for organising sporting events
  • 27th January a team from the partnership entered the Jigs and Reels Day of Dance
  • Kate Picken completed a three week block on singing games with P1-3
  • P5-7 visited Tongland Power Station with the Galloway Biospheres Project
  • Parents were invited to an open day on 4th February to find out more about life as a pupil in school
  • P5-7 are engaging in a block of orienteering with the Solway Orienteers
  • P5-7 are involved in a block of rugby with John Muir
  • Teachers and Learning Assistants were trained in a new method of teaching numeracy
  • P7s attended an information evening last night with their parents to learn more about Castle Douglas High School


What’s ahead?

  • World Book Day on 5th March – Book Swap with local Primary Schools and decorating potatoes
  • Curling on Monday 9th March for P6
  • P4 swimming every Tue, Wed and Thurs from 17th March- 2nd April
  • Galloway Activity Centre Residential for P6 and P7 pupils on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th May
  • Parents Evenings – Thurs 12th March from 5.30-7.30pm and Wed 18th March from 3.15-5.30pm
  • P5 and P6 golf taster session on 16th March
  • Cross Country on 25th March
  • P5-7 involved in a block of 4 x Spanish lessons provided by specialist, David Kerr
  • School Show date changed to TUESDAY 31st MARCH at 6.30pm in the Village Hall
  • 30am Easter Church Service on Friday 3rd April


School Improvement Plan

  • We will be seeking feedback and ideas to add in to our ‘Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy’ during the Parents Evenings. We need this document to reflect our Vision, Values and Aims in our schools.
  • We are making good progress in revising our literacy and language programmes and hope to have them ready for August 2020.
  • The ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ intervention is working well as a 1:1 intervention with selected pupils from P1-3. Mrs Clifton, Mrs Henry and I have also been trained on the ‘Fastlane’ approach which helps support pupils in P4-7 with their literacy on a 1:1 basis too.


Chairman’s  Report


Gilli thanked everyone for coming it was lovely to see so many in attendance.

We have been asked to have a specific email just for Parent Council it is; office bearers of the parent should all have the password for this email to help when needed.

Mel McGill sent PCForum survey and those that expressed the information it was then forwarded.

The road closure week went smoothly as was possible with no issues.

Blackcraig Wind Farm had a meeting which Gilli attended.

Josh Wood was in the school last week discussing Bikeability and he will be on site every Thursday to help when it is on.

There is a “James Clark Maxwell” event on in Parton which all are invited there are flyers in the school if anyone needs more information.


Treasurers Report


Opening Balance £1647.73
Income None
D&G School Let Easter Fair 30.3.2019 £10.00
Closing Balance £1637.73


Last year’s accounts have been audited.


Coronavirus guidelines/handwashing/hygiene

There is advice on school blog or information on NHS website, the council will keep us updated on any changes that need to be made. Wash your hands.


School Roll and Staffing


Staffing and Enrolments

  • Mrs Melanie Martin is leaving us after the summer holidays to take up a post as a Nursery Nurse in Kirkcudbright Primary School. We will miss her very much as she is a wonderful Learning Assistant, Clerical Assistant and a valued member of the school community.  We wish her well in the future and thank her for all that she has done so far.
  • We have capacity for 75 pupils in school and 83 catchment pupils wish to attend in August 2020.
  • We need to have a conversation about how we could accommodate these extra pupils.
  • We do not know what our staffing will look like yet as we are waiting for confirmation.


A discussion was had with all in attendance, Gilli will email John Thin and Larann Foss to ask for a meeting as soon as is possible.


Positive Relationship Policy

Mary covered this in her report.


Natasha’s Bench and Unveiling Ceremony

The bench has been made and will get installed this weekend by Ben and his father.  We need to celebrate this, Mary will speak to Derek and take guidance from him, Kirstie and Cameron.


Outdoor Classroom

Mary has spoken to education department “Larann Foss” a possible site for the outdoor classroom would be at the playpark corner.  Gilli went to Blackcraig Windfarm meeting in Parton, it all sounded very positive.  We need 3 quotes for work, last day for applications to be submitted is 27th March.  It was decided a subcommittee would be best to take this on. Debs, Shani, Gilli and Lucy volunteered to do this.


Fundraiser for School Show

100 squares sheet has been prepared, bath bombs, bags and beeswax covers were being made by children to sell on the night.  It was discussed that possibly 2 shows would be better one in afternoon (rehearsal) and the other in the evening.  This would give us a better chance of selling all the crafts and lucky squares.


Leaving “do” for Mrs Martin

An afternoon tea was suggested, with a memory book and lots of past work colleagues, a hoodie has been ordered.  Mel has suggested doing a sponsored cycle before she leaves to raise funds for the school. We have time to organise.

Rosie Porteous (kitchen assistant) is leaving us on 13th March, we will send out a group call asking if anyone would like to donate to a leaving gift, we don’t have much time so closing date on donations will be Tuesday 10th March to give us time to select a gift.  We will all be sorry to loose Rosie and Mrs Martin.



P5, 6 & 7 are doing a block of rugby with John Muir from Stewartry Rugby and same class are also have a block of Spanish Lessons.

There was an unplanned fire alarm practice, all children were safe and it has now been decided that the school should have a spare key to the hall in case of any future emergencies.

Call out to parents/carers for spare clothes for school stock (socks, trousers, trackies etc)

Also a plea for toys, games, books to add and expand our story sacks.

25th March Cross country will take place.


Meeting closed at 8.30pm


Date of Next Meeting


Next Meeting will be AGM Monday 11th May at 7pm

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