Minutes of Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting – 7th November 2019

Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

Thursday 7th November 2019 7pm


Carly Wilson, Marcella Eakin-Watt, Louise Cumbley, Lucy Wilson, Suzy King, Emma McCracken, Ben Wild


Head Teacher Mary Lidstone-Scott, Chair Gilli Hodson, Treasurer Shani McMiken, Secretary Susan Hall, Jackie Kernahan, Kate Hunter, Sarah Cooper, Heidi Gunther, Debs Nelson, Jenny Wilson

Matters Arising

Any matters arising from minutes – Shani has had a look at the constitution, there is no point amending anything until the next AGM. The minutes were accepted as a true record of last meeting.

Proposed Shani McMiken

Seconded Mary Lidstone-Scott

Head Teachers Report

School Improvement Plan Updates:

· Our targeted intervention in ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ is having a very positive impact on targeted pupils – look at examples from CLG Big Book

· All staff attended a training day in August with a focus on restorative approaches to managing behaviour and fostering positive relationships. We are already seeing a positive impact with a reduction in the frequency and amount of recorded behavioural incidents. We hope to share our draft ‘Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy’ with parents soon and ask for feedback.

Learners’ Experiences

· The Autumn Walk raised £1118 as our final total. Thank you to everyone who sponsored us.

· Pupils enjoyed our recent Halloween parties. Thank you to all parents who came to help decorate the hall and to supervise activities.

· P4-7 children have been receiving lessons in Tin Whistle from Feis Rois and there will be a performance scheduled in the next few weeks to showcase their learning.

· P4-7 are also having input from the Biospheres Explorers Officer to learn more about our local biosphere. Details are in the newsletter on the blog.

· Pupils in P3-7 were visited by the RSPB who talked to them about the RSPB/ WWT/ Galloway Glens project on Greenland white fronted geese. As part of this project geese were tagged for monitoring purposes so pupils can track their migration and whereabouts. This also acted as a stimulus for their Art work with Mrs Bielinski.

· Thank you to everyone who supported us by voting for us in the Tour of Britain Land Art Competition. We were overwhelmed by the support shown to us from people all over Scotland and around the world. We are waiting for the results to be announced.

· We are having an Achievement Assembly on 13th December to showcase learning.


· At Crossmichael, Mrs Wilson continues to be absent from work. Mrs Glover continues to teach the P1-3 pupils on a Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri and supply teacher, Katie Rae, is teaching them on a Thursday for continuity.

· We have appointed Georgina Benson as our new Clerical Assistant who will work on a Tuesday and Friday at Gelston.

· I have requested more additional support hours to help provide more targeted support for individual pupils. I am waiting to hear if this has been successful.

· Teachers have a list of times that parent helpers can support them in class. I have asked individual teachers to contact parents directly to make arrangements.


· Our new website and blog is now the main source of information for parents and families. I would be interested to find out how useful you are finding this?

· We are trying to email parents and use the blog instead of sending home paper copies of letters, etc. This will help reduce printing costs.

Chairman’s Report

Both transformation events have taken place, Shani represented the school at these. We have been sent a summery and proposed budget, Gilli will email these out to anyone that is interested. Nothing concrete seems to be decided yet. There is a meeting onn21st November of PGPCF for all PC in the area. Today was nationwide “outside classroom day” to try and make children more aware of their surroundings.

The Soup & Sweet and walk was very good and the children all seemed to enjoy the Halloween party’s.

Treasurers Report


Opening Balance £1805.73



Return of Finance to school funds £150.00

Halloween party expenses £74.30

Leavers hoodies £91.00

Closing Balance £1490.43

Bingo Night

Gilli has asked Liz to be caller

There would be prizes for a line and full house, 5 games in total. We need 5 small prizes and 5 large prizes. Debs would get large prizes (boxes of biscuits) and small prizes (advent calendars).

Rosie has kindly offered to make a cake to be raffles off.

We need to get a group call out to as for tray bakes for break and raffle prizes.

Hall will be open from 6.15pm. If helpers could be there for 5.30pm to help set up.

Debs will also get coffee and tea, Gilli Milk and juice. Gilli will ask Irving’s for shortbread and mincemeat pies. Mary Susan and Jackie will help set up. Group call will go out on Friday 8th November.

Transformation Events and Council Budget Cuts

Gilli will email out info to anyone that would like to take a look. Mary discussed some of the items on the list. Loosing additional needs for support teachers so no 1 to 1. Gelston will go down to 2days hot food and 3 days cold food due to their roll


Emails and group calls were discussed as we are trying to be more eco friendly

Involving more parents

We need to encourage more parents. It was thought if we send out a survey monkey to see what would be best days and times to hold meetings to get more parents along. Breakfast club and after the Christmas service were suggested. A big breakfast after the New Year might be a possibility.

P6/7 school trip

Louise sent a message ia Gilli asking about the overnight Carlingwark trip. Mary said she would look into and price up Galloway activity centre, Abernethy and Barcaple. A campout in school grounds might also be an option.

Playground/Playpark/Outdoor Classroom/Benches Update

Ben sent an email with info about bench, Gilli will give Ben the go ahead to get it done before Kirstie leaves. Upgrade to playpark on hold as we will need to wait for next lot of Blackcraig funding. Accounts need auditing for an application, Kate mentioned that Sam might be able to help with this. Also Lyndsay Smith does the accounts for Catstrand, she might be willing to help. Outdoor classroom (Twynholm has one) Alan Smith built it – the sponsored walk money will go towards this plus £700 that has been ring-fenced for this. Or a bottle shelter CD primary have one for their bikes.


We need crackers for the Christmas dinner tables.

Tubes of sweetie as gift from santa and wrapping paper.

If anyone can come help wrap it would be most appreciated.

School Show

School Show, Mary will have to discuss this with staff first.

Bits and Bobs including Teachers Wish Lists

Aquila possibly subscribe to this for the school £55 per year – Mary would talk to teachers

Teachers would like to use some of the sponsor money to buy new games/jigsaws. £100 per class.

Mary asked if anyone could help with clearing out sheds and gym cupboards, Sarah Cooper has a trailer that could take stuff to dump.



Date of Next Meeting

16th January 7pm

Meeting closed at 9pm

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