Crossmichael Parent Council Minutes – September 2019


Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

7pm Monday 9th September 2019




Carly Wilson, Marcella Eakin-Watt, Debs Nelson, Kim Glover, Louise Cumbley, Lucy Wilson



Head Teacher Mary Lidstone-Scott, Chair Gilli Hodson, Vice Chair Ben Wild, Treasurer Shani McMiken, Secretary Susan Hall, Jackie Kernahan,


Matters Arising

Any matters arising from minutes will be dealt with in agenda. The minutes were accepted as a true record of last meeting.

Proposed Shani McMiken

Seconded Jackie Kernahan


Head Teachers Report

SIP focus

  • Targeted interventions to raise attainment in literacy and numeracy include ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ and ‘Closing the Numeracy Gap’
  • Partnership schools are developing an improved Literacy and Language programme so that there is consistency in programmes taught in l&t, reading and writing.
  • Partnership Schools are developing a ‘Better Relationships, Better Learning’ policy in collaboration with all stakeholders, Cluster Schools and D&G Council. I am on the regional implementation group.  There is an expectation that all schools will focus on anti-bullying procedures alongside this.


  • Mrs Wilson continues to be absent from work and we wish her a speedy recovery. In the meantime, Mrs Glover is teaching the P1-3 pupils on a Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri and supply teacher, Katie Rae, is teaching them on a Thursday for continuity.
  • We have one full time Learning Assistant (Mrs Martin) and Mrs Clifton is shared between the schools as she is delivering our interventions to close the poverty related attainment gap. Her wages are paid with our ‘Pupil Equity Funding’ so her remit is focused.  This means that there is less general support within classes and due to the current financial climate we will be reliant on support from volunteers in school.


  • New website to be created where:

– pupils have capacity to blog about their learning and achievements

– there is capacity to share minutes of groups such as Parent Council, Pupil Council, House/ Vice Captains, Eco Group, Health Group, etc.

– newsletters available

– parental links to suggest ways to support your child with learning at home

– calendar

– school meals menu

– links to Parental Engagement resources

– Share SIP priorities

– Links to Survey Monkey to help inform school improvements

  • HT meeting Mr Tyson on 16th September to begin to create the website.
  • Tomorrow Cluster HTs are being introduced to a school based app to see if it would be useful to replace many of the Group Call texts.

Health and Safety Training

  • HTs expected to complete an IOSH Managing Safely e-learning course. This is a national requirement.  It is expected to take 60 hours and involves an exam and practical project to be completed.

Road Safety

  • Local residents are asking the school to become involved in encouraging vehicles to slow down in the village. The current speed activated signs are measuring the number of vehicles exceeding the speed limit.  After a month this information will be collated by Anthony Topping (Team Leader – Network Strategy and Road Safety) and there will be discussions about next steps.  Would the Parent Council like a role in communicating this to parents too?  Will we do a short campaign with the Pupil Council?


  • D&G Council have to save £30 Million from 2019-2021.
  • D&G Council has saved £92 Million over last 6 years.
  • D&G Council needs Education to reduce its budget by 10-15% by 2021.
  • Letter received by Mary to be shared with Parent Council. It is from Gillian Brydson regarding consultation with parents about what this may look like. (Mary shared letter.)

School Budget

  • Require parents to help complete grant applications for playground developments (e.g. P1-3 outdoor area and Natasha Benson’s outdoor classroom)
  • School having a sponsored Autumn walk on 10th October after a shared lunch.
  • School show before Easter holidays to raise money for school funds too.


Chairman’s  Report

We had the school BBQ at the end of term which was a huge success and a lot of fun for all. Gilli went along to the Blackcraig Windfarm meeting and discovered a few pieces of information for us if we were to apply in next round of funding.  It has to be the parent council NOT the school to apply, Shani and Gilli will meet to discuss what is need to apply next time and to see which pieces of the playpark equipment will be needing replaced, it was too short notice this time as quotes and pricings had to be given. Gilli suggested a group of people got together in plenty of time to discuss the options.(Subcommittee a date was to be set for this)

David McIssac passed away during the holidays, the school would like to pass on condolences to Sue his partner. A card had been handed into school for all the children and teachers that would like to sign (this would be chased up).

Congratulations to Mel and Ros with their ground art, it looked fantastic on the television and from the air. A very positive thing for the school.


Treasurers Report

9th September 2019
Opening Balance £1937.10
Return of Float £200.00
BBQ Income £446.38
Henderson’s Butchers BBQ Meat £100.00
Leavers Presents (Ties) £49.50
Dynamic Earth – School Trip £428.25
BBQ Float £200.00
Closing Balance £1805.73





New Vice Chair

Ben Wild agreed to be nominated

Proposed Shani McMiken

Seconded Gilli Hodson



It May Be time for a group of people to get together to amend the constitution or not? This can be done at the next meeting.  There are no powers stated on the old constitution and the AGM is in June not May.


Education Budget 2020

Vicky sent a letter from Gillian Brydson about the budget September/October not sure how much influence we would have, we could meet as a parent council. Mary said it would be great if someone could attend and went on to let us know the possible things that might be discussed.  Letter from Gillian Brydson is attached.


Playground – playpark, outdoor classroom, bench

A discussion was had about funds, Mary will speak to Debs and Kim about Natasha’s Bench.  We could look to the lottery funding for the outdoor classroom and possibly to the college for costings and help to build with trainees.


Road Safety

There have been a few complaints about the speed of the cars when coming into the village and to and from the school.  Could we all just slow down and be aware of the residents, children and animals.  Thank you.



Children can dress up there will be a Halloween party in the school.

Parent Council will supply apples, doughnuts and juice and if there were any parents/guardians able to help please let the school know.

Parent Council will pay for the children to go to the Pantomime at the Fullerton theatre, date to be set.

School will organise Santa for the Christmas party’s and it was decided that selection boxes were to be given to the children this year instead of books. Parent Council will buy crackers for school dinner and selection boxes for party and wrap them too.



Parents can give Gilli their email addresses and she will include them in any information sharing emails.  There will be a Parent Council email list and a general school email list.

The best way for parents to contact the school is call the office and make an appointment to speak to a teacher.



Family Bingo Night – we need a bingo caller

Tea & Coffee – helpers

Cakes & tray bakes – donations

Christmas cake to Raffle – Ask Rosie Porteous

Possible dates either Friday 15th or 22nd November

Village Hall Crossmichael – Gilli will ask Nicola about the hall.



Mary would like to thank everyone for all their help and support.

Susan asked if 2020 leavers were to have hoodies could they have them at the beginning of the summer term this way they would wear them at school – parents will have to be contacted about purchase of these but Mary didn’t see a problem with this.


Meeting closed at 9pm


Next Parent Council Meeting Thursday 7th November 6.30pm


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