Crossmichael Parent Council

What is a Parent Council?

The main job of a Parent Council is to represent the views of the parents at the school so that all parents know that their views matter, and where they feel confident and comfortable putting them forward. All parents in the school are referred to as the Parent Forum.


How does our Parent Council work?

Chairperson – Mr Ben Wild(This person MUST, by law, be a parent or carer of a child currently attending the school to be the main contact/ representative for the Parent Council.)
Vice-Chairperson – TBC (To support the Chairperson and to take on their duties in their absence if needed.)
Secretary  – Mrs Larissa Wheeler (To arrange meetings, communications, minute taker.)
Treasurer – Mrs Lucy Wilson (To keep financial records, receive monies and pay agreed costs)

Parents nominate and vote for Role/Office Bearers of the Parent Council to speak on their behalf. They can also decide on their Constitution. The Constitution are the rules and regulations set by each Parent Council for how they want to run things. Both things should be done at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) usually held in September.


What does a Parent Council do?

The duties of a Parent Council are not laid down in legislation, so it is up to the parents/ carers at each school to decide what they want their Parent Council to do. These can be found at: http://www.dumgal.

In your school this might involve:
• Advising the school on its policies, contributing to the school’s handbook and School Improvement Plan
• Promoting contact between all parents and the rest of the school community
• Organising social and fundraising events
• Discussing anything that’s of interest to parents
• Being involved in the appointment of the Headteacher
Parent Councils can also include subgroups for fundraising and specific projects.
For Insurances purposes it is important that if you have subgroups that all proposed events/ expenditure are recorded in official minutes.

Please click on the link at the side to see our Parent Council Minutes.


If you wish to receive emails directly from the Parent Council then please contact our Chairperson, Ben Wild.  CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:


We also have a  Facebook page: