All posts by Miss Cruickshanks

Newsletter – w/c 20.06.2022

Dear Families and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,


I hope this newsletter finds you well.  We have had a lovely term and have enjoyed having you to visit for our Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations and for Sports Day.   I would take the opportunity to thank you for your support this year and we look forward to inviting you into school more regularly next session.


Diary Dates

Tuesday 28th June at 2pm – Crossmichael End of Term assembly.  P7 parents invited.  We have 98 pupils so do not have enough capacity in our hall.

Thursday 30th June at 2pm – Gelston End of Term assembly to be hosted in the village hall.  All parents invited.

Monday 4 July 2022 to Wednesday 17 August 2022 (pupils return Monday 22 August 2022) Schools closed for the Summer Holidays


Transition into P1

Over the past few weeks, we have invited our new P1 pupils in to school to visit their new classes and teachers.  We met with parents and had a meeting to discuss life in Crossmichael and Gelston Partnership Schools and what to expect when your child is in Primary 1.  It was so lovely to meet everyone.

Our new P1’s will visit again as follows:

Wednesday 22nd June 9am-10.15am: Morning visit and collect your child before play time.

Thursday 23rd June 9am – 11am:  Morning visit and stay for play time.

Friday 24th June 9am – 1pm:  Morning visit including play time and lunch time.


Transition into S1

Our Primary 7 pupils will be attending Castle Douglas High School from Wednesday 22nd- Friday 24th June.  We wish them luck and know that they will do well.  We are so proud of them all.


Transition for All Pupils

All pupils will have the opportunity to move into their new classes whilst the P7 pupils are at secondary school.


Staffing Arrangements for August 2022

We held interviews last week and have appointed the following members of staff:

  • Gelston P1-4 PERMANENT Teacher (Mondays) – Mr M Houston
  • Gelston P4-7 TEMPORARY  Teacher and Principal Teacher (Fridays) – Mrs T Martin
  • Crossmichael P3/4 TEMPORARY Teacher – Miss K Maxwell

At Gelston this session, we were allocated 27.5 hours of Learning Assistant time and we used some Learning Assistant hours paid for by Pupil Equity Funding to support the ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ intervention.

At Crossmichael, we were allocated 27.5 hours of Learning Assistant time per week from the Supporting Learners Team.  We were given an additional allocation of 27.5 hours and 11 hours from Supporting Learners.  I used the Scottish Government Covid-19 Recovery Funding that was allocated to our Cluster schools to buy in an additional 32 hours of support.  I also paid for an additional 11 hours through Pupil Equity Funding.  We also used some Learning Assistant hours paid for by Pupil Equity Funding to support the ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ intervention.

We have received our Supporting Learners allocation for 2022/2023 and we have been given:

  • Gelston Learning Assistant (full time): Miss McNeill
  • Crossmichael Learning Assistants: Mrs Jennings (Monday- Wednesday and Mrs Cowan (Thursday and Friday).  We have also been allocated two days.  In addition, Mrs Clifton is our PEF Learning Assistant for 27.5hrs.

This his means that Mrs Jennings and Mrs Cowan are reducing their hours.  Sadly, Ms Horsley, Mrs Stitt, Mrs Galbraith and Mrs Dobbin are not having their contracts renewed in August.  We are so grateful to them for their hard work and dedication in building positive relationships with our children, staff and parents.  We wish them well in the future and look forward to welcoming them back where possible.

This is a challenging time for all schools across the region and I am liaising with the Local Authority to see is we can secure any additional hours for our partnership to meet the needs of our learners.



If you wish to discuss anything further then please contact me by email on  or contact the schools.  (Unfortunately, my mobile is needing replaced so you cannot contact me on 07741 686730 unless I have it plugged in.)

Crossmichael Primary School – 01556 670282 



Gelston Primary School – 01556 502415 



Best wishes,

Mary Cruickshanks







Newsletter – w/c 16.05.2022

Dear Families and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,

We have had a lovely few weeks where our children are thriving as they participate in a variety of sporting events organised by Active Schools.  We have two teams representing the partnership in the Paul Jones Football League and they are doing themselves (and us) proud!  Some of our older pupils are involved in the Netball League.  Pupils are participating in lunch clubs and after school clubs and John Muir is coaching our senior pupils in Rugby.


I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing children from across the Stewartry coming together again.  It has also been lovely to catch up with our families in person.  I have missed you all!


Diary Dates

Tuesday 31st May-

12pm onwards



Crossmichael Garden Party for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  Parents and families will be invited to join us for a picnic lunch and for a variety of activities in the afternoon.  Non-uniform day for pupils and they may wear something ‘Jubilee’ themed!


Tuesday 26th April – Tuesday 24th May Paul Jones Football League Training Session based at Crossmichael Primary School from 3.15pm – 4.15pm.  Only for those P5-7 pupils at Gelston and Crossmichael who confirmed their places with Mrs Glover.
Wednesday 1st June

–          12pm onwards


Gelston Garden Party for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  Parents and families will be invited to join us for a picnic lunch and for a variety of activities in the afternoon.  Non-uniform day for pupils and they may wear something ‘Jubilee’ themed!


Thursday 2nd June and Friday 3rd June Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Holiday – Schools closed
Tuesday 7th June Crossmichael Sports Day – Parents and families will be invited to attend in the afternoon.
Monday 13th June


Gelston Sports Day – Parents and families will be invited to attend in the afternoon.
Monday 27th June at 6.30pm P7s Leavers Meal at Nikos Restaurant in Castle Douglas (as a partnership).  Further details to follow.
Tuesday 28th June at 2pm Crossmichael End of Term assembly.  P7 parents invited.  We have 98 pupils so do not have enough capacity in our hall.
Thursday 30th June at 2pm Gelston End of Term assembly to be hosted in the village hall.  All parents invited.
Monday 4 July 2022 to Wednesday 17 August 2022 (pupils return Monday 22 August 2022) Schools closed for the Summer Holidays

Crossmichael Parent Council Update – AGM was on 9th May 

Please see the ‘Crossmichael Primary School Parent Council’ Facebook page for updates.  Minutes of the AGM and the subsequent meeting will be uploaded here to the Parent Council blog as soon as possible.


Gelston Parent Council – Thursday 19th May at 7.30pm

Any parents wishing to attend the Gelston Parent Council meeting on Thursday 19th May at 7.30pm  should join the ‘Gelston Primary Parent Council’ Facebook page and request to access their room.  Alternatively, email the Chairperson at


Student Teachers (23rd May – 1st June)

We are delighted to welcome three student teachers into classes across our partnership.  They will be allocated to the following classes:

Crossmichael:  P2-4 and P4-6

Gelston:  P4-7


Transition Arrangements

I have sent a letter to parents of new P1 pupils setting out arrangements for transition.  New pupils will be invited into each school for visits prior to the summer holidays.

P7s will attend three ‘moving up’ days from Wednesday 22nd June – Friday 24th June.   All P7 pupils have been added to a Microsoft TEAM and a PowerPoint has been shared with them.  A member of the senior leadership team from Castle Douglas High School has visited P7s already and has had/ will have a meeting with P7 teachers this term.  In P7, any pupil who has a Child’s Plan will have had a representative from CDHS attend meetings to ensure a smooth transition.

All pupils will have a chance to move into their new classes from 22nd-24th June too.  Soon, I will be in touch with parents whose child may be in a split multi-composite class.  E.g. where a class such as P4 are split over two registration classes.


Staffing and Classes from August 2022

I can confirm our classes and staff for August 2022.


  • P1-3 – Mrs Marscheider
  • P3/4 – Vacancy (temporary) for a year
  • P4-6 – Mrs Glover
  • P6/7 – Mrs Stevens


  • P1-4 – Vacancy (Mondays) and Miss Scott (Tuesdays – Fridays)
  • P4-7 – Miss Reid (Mondays- Thursdays) and Vacancy (Fridays)

In Crossmichael, Miss Drummond has been granted a career break to Australia and we wish her well in her new adventures.  I will be advertising her job as a full time, temporary position for the year.  Interviews will be held prior to the school holidays and I hope that pupils will have the opportunity to meet their new teacher prior to the summer break.  I hope that this will provide pupils with continuity in their learning.


In Gelston, I will be advertising the one day per week in P1-4 as a permanent post for a teacher.  I will also be advertising the one day per week in P4-7 as a one day temporary post for a Principal Teacher.  Interviews will take place before the summer holidays and I hope to introduce pupils to their new teachers before schools close for the session.


End of Year Pupil Summary Reports

All pupils will receive an end of year written report at the end of June.  This will provide information on curricular levels achieved, attendance and progress in Numeracy & Maths, Literacy & Language and in Health and Wellbeing.


Contacting the Headteacher

Please remember that I will be based in Gelston Primary School every Friday as we have no Principal Teacher in post on Fridays.  (I tend to be in Gelston on Mondays and Fridays and in Crossmichael Tuesdays-Thursdays.)


Please note that my mobile (07741686730) is in need of repair and only functions when plugged in.  If you need me urgently then telephone the school or email me on .  I pick up emails every day.


Best wishes

Mary Cruickshanks


Newsletter – W/C 18.04.2022

Dear Families and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,


It has been lovely to welcome our children back into school for Term 4.  We have many exciting events planned for the term now that Covid restrictions are easing at last!


Covid-19 Update

  • Face coverings no longer mandatory but it is recommended to continue wearing them in communal areas in school.
  • We will continue with good ventilation (fans allowed), hand hygiene, physical distancing and CO2 monitors. 
  • Touch point cleaning continues.
  • No masks on school transport but masks are needed on public transport.
  • Lateral Flow Testing no longer required.
  • Symptomatic people should isolate and book a PCR test.
  • Parents allowed to visit school – Sports Days/ parents’ evenings/ Leavers’ Assemblies (School Risk Assessment to be followed.)


Diary Dates

Monday 2nd May May Day Holiday – Schools Closed
Tuesday 31st May

–          12pm onwards

Crossmichael Garden Party for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  Parents and families will be invited to join us for a picnic lunch and for a variety of activities in the afternoon.  Non-uniform day for pupils and they may wear something ‘Jubilee’ themed!
Wednesday 1st June

–          12pm onwards

Gelston Garden Party for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  Parents and families will be invited to join us for a picnic lunch and for a variety of activities in the afternoon.  Non-uniform day for pupils and they may wear something ‘Jubilee’ themed!
Thursday 2nd June and Friday 3rd June Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Holiday – Schools closed
Tuesday 7th June Crossmichael Sports Day – Parents and families will be invited to attend in the afternoon.
Monday 13th June Gelston Sports Day – Parents and families will be invited to attend in the afternoon.


Tuesday 26th April – Tuesday 24th May Paul Jones Football League Training Session based at Crossmichael Primary School from 3.15pm – 4.15pm.  Only for those P5-7 pupils at Gelston and Crossmichael who confirmed their places with Mrs Glover.
Monday 4 July 2022 to Wednesday 17 August 2022 (pupils return Monday 22 August 2022)  

Schools closed for the Summer Holidays


Crossmichael Parent Council Easter Egg Hunt – Friday 22nd April

On Friday, Crossmichael Parent Council has arranged an Easter Egg hunt in the community woodland.  Pupils will be hunting for Viking Runes painted on stones.  They will then need to unscramble the message and each child will receive an Easter egg donated by TESCO, Co-Op and the Parent Council as a prize.  Thank you to everyone for organising this wonderful event.  I am sure the children will thoroughly enjoy themselves!


Bikeability Sessions for P7 Pupils

Next week, Crossmichael P7 pupils will participate in Bikeability sessions on Monday and Wednesday afternoons for a block of six weeks.  This will help them to cycle safely when on the roads.  Details will follow separately.  Many thanks to our parental volunteers for training our pupils.  We really appreciate your help.


Active Schools – Rugby (May 2022)

Active Schools are providing a four week block of rugby sessions in association with the Stewartry Rugby Club.  This will be provided for the following classes: Crossmichael P4-6 and P6/7 and Gelston P4-7.


Active Schools – Lunch Clubs

Gelston pupils are invited to participate in a lunch club focusing on mini athletics.  This is a free activity open to all ages and will be held on Thursdays for a block of four weeks.


Crossmichael pupils are invited to participate in a similar lunch club focusing on tennis.  This will be held on Wednesdays.


Paul Jones Football League (4th May – 25th May)

Pupils from both schools will come together to enter teams for this 7-aside tournament.  The event is aimed at P5-7 pupils from across the Stewartry and will be delivered in a league format planned over four weeks.  Mrs Glover (Principal Teacher at Crossmichael) has been in contact with parents of P5-7 pupils and now has a list of those wishing to participate.  She has arranged a few coaching sessions out with these times and special thanks go to parents who have volunteered their time to coach pupils.  We really appreciate it!


Student Teachers (23rd May – 1st June)

We are delighted to welcome three student teachers into classes across our partnership.  They will be allocated to the following classes:

Crossmichael P2-4 and P4-6

Gelston P4-7


Transition Arrangements

We hope to return to normal arrangements for transition where possible.


Primary 1 teachers will visit new P1s at their Early Learning and Childcare provider.  We hope to invite pupils in to school a few times this term.  Further information will follow.


We have not yet had confirmation of arrangements for P7s moving into S1 so I cannot confirm that pupils will attend Castle Douglas High School (CDHS) for three moving up days.  Currently, the enhanced transition programme has begun for specific pupils.  All P7 pupils have been added to a Microsoft TEAM and a PowerPoint has been shared with them.  A member of the senior leadership team from Castle Douglas High School has visited P7s already and will be meeting with P7 teachers this term.  In P7, any pupil who has a Child’s Plan will have had a representative from CDHS attend meetings to ensure a smooth transition.


End of Year Pupil Summary Reports

All pupils will receive an end of year written report at the end of June.  This will provide information on curricular levels achieved, attendance and progress in Numeracy & Maths, Literacy & Language and in Health and Wellbeing.


Please remember that I will be based in Gelston Primary School every Friday as we have no Principal Teacher in post on Fridays.


Best wishes

Mary Cruickshanks
