Newsletter – Monday 20th January 2020

Active Schools’ ‘Jigs and Reels’ Event – Monday 27th January

Active Schools have organised a morning of traditional Scottish Dancing for pupils in P5-7 on Monday 27th January at Dalbeattie Learning Campus.  We have arranged for a Crossmichael – Gelston team to attend and parents have been informed.  Mrs Stevens will accompany the children.  (Those pupils who are attending are encouraged to bring bottled water and a snack with them.)



School Dinner – Burns Lunch on Wednesday 29th January

Please remember that we are having our school Burns Dinner on 29th January.  The school office is sending out an email detailing lunch options for that day.  Please respond via the link on the email to the school office with your child’s preferred dinner option.  Here is a copy of the link for ease:



Guidance on Infection Control in Schools

If your child is ill then please ensure that you have kept them at home until they are no longer infectious.  It is worth noting that children and adults should not return to school for 48 hours after the last bout of diarrhoea or vomiting.  Thank you for your support.


Please see the following link from the Public Health Agency for details:



Crossmichael Diary Dates:


Tuesday 4th February Open Day for Parents/ Guardians

You are invited in to drop in to school to see what and how your children learn.  Please let the school office know when you wish to attend.  Please choose between 08:55-10:30 or 10:50-12:30 or 13:15-14:55.

Monday 17th – Friday 20th February School holidays

(Teacher training days on 19th and 20th)

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 1st April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘The Bumblesnouts Save the World’
Friday 3rd April at 9.30am Easter Service in Church

Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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