Newsletter – 18th November 2019

Parent Council Bingo Night

On behalf of the school and the Parent Council we would like to thank everyone who supported us at our Bingo Night on Friday 15th November.  Thank you for your donations to the raffle and for the tray bakes and cakes.  Thanks to those of you who helped to set up the hall and tidy away the chairs and tables at the end of the evening.  Special thanks go to Liz and Sue for being our Bingo callers.  Also, thanks to Rosie Porteous for providing the beautiful cake for the raffle.  I am delighted to announce that we raised £651.15.


Dumfries & Galloway Parent Council Forum

There is a meeting on Thursday  (21st November) at 7pm at Castle Douglas High School open to parents.  The main focus will be on sharing and discussing next steps for Education Services within the Council as we face budget savings.  We cannot continue to spend money in the same way so we need to ‘transform’ our approach.  Several meetings were held across the region to discuss ideas and this meeting is a chance for you to find out more about what this will mean for our school and our children.  It would be extremely helpful if some parents could attend and feed back to the Parent Council.


Active Schools Session on ‘Jigs and Reels’
Louise Coupar from the Active Schools Team will be in school this week to spend an afternoon with pupils in P5, P6 and P7 teaching them traditional Scottish Country Dancing in preparation for a Scottish Dance event happening in Term 3.
Planting Fruit Trees
A group of pupils will be planting some small fruit trees in the playground with Miss Campbell on Thursday.
Feis Rois Performance for Parents of P5, P6 and P7 Pupils
Pupils in P5, P6 and P7 will be performing some pieces that they have learned on the Tin Whistle on Wednesday 27th November at 2.30pm in the school hall.  Parents and families are welcome to attend.
 P3-5 Learning About Shape
P3-5 wanted to share what they know about triangles and quadrilateral shapes:
Crossmichael Diary Dates 
Thursday 21st Nov from 3.15pm-5.15pm Parents Evening (EARLY)

Appointments allocated.

Tuesday 26th November at 6.30pm P7 Open Evening at Castle Douglas High School
Friday 13th Dec at 2pm Achievement Assembly

All parents and families are invited to the school so that pupils can share their achievements in learning within and out with school.

Wednesday 18th December at 12pm School Christmas Dinner
Thursday 19th December Christmas Parties (P1-3 in the morning and P5-7 in the afternoon)

P1-3 may arrive wearing their party clothes/non-uniform and change into uniforms before lunch.  P4-7 may bring party clothes/ non-uniform with them and change at lunch time.

Thursday 19th December at 7pm Pantomime at the Fullarton Theatre

Pupils from Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools will attend the theatre to see Cinderella.

Details will follow nearer the time.

Friday 20th Dec at 9am Christmas Service

Parents and families are invited to join us for our Christmas Service in Crossmichael Parish Church.

Best wishes,

Mary Lidstone-Scott


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