Newsletter – Monday 4th November 2019

  1. After School Dance and Fitness Club

Active Schools and Community Sport are running a three week ‘Dance and Fitness’ club starting on Tuesday 5th November at 3pm.  It is open to pupils in P1-7 and costs £1 a session.


Parent Council Meeting
Our next Parent Council meeting is on Thursday 7th November at 7pm.  Any parents are welcome to attend.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Parent Council Bingo Night

Our Parent Council have organised a Bingo Night on Friday 15th November at 7pm in  Crossmichael Village Hall.  All proceeds go towards the school.  Tickets cost £3 for adults and £2 for children which includes books and refreshments.  There will also be a raffle so please leave your donations in the school office before the night.


P5, P6 and P7 Biosphere Explorers!

The Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere has a vision to make life in our Biosphere better while caring for the natural environment. A key strand of this is the education of the next generation biosphere residents in sustainable development, increasing awareness and connections with the ‘working countryside’.

The Biosphere Explorers project, run by the Crichton Carbon Centre and funded by the Hollywood Trust and the Galloway Glens Scheme, is working towards this aim with an education programme delivered in schools consisting of a series of workshops aimed at increasing knowledge of the local natural environment and human interactions with it. This project will run for two years and will be focussed on school age children, with elements for all residents of the area.

Our P5, P6 and P7 pupils will be participating in these workshops each each Tuesday afternoon (from 29th October) led by the Biosphere Explorers Officer, Shalla Gray. The sessions will include:

Session 1 – Introduction to Biospheres and Our Biosphere.  Activities – Memory quiz and making a booklet on ‘Little Ways to Save the Planet’
Session 2 – What makes our Biosphere special?  Activities – Making a poster on what makes our Biosphere special
Session 3 – Biodiversity and the Biosphere.  Activities – Food Web game and Nature survey (weather permitting)
Session 4 – Climate change and the Biosphere.  Activity – The Greenhouse Gas Board Game.

Please ensure that pupils have brought their outdoor clothing with them on these days.


Pokemon Cards

Many of our pupils are enjoying bringing Pokemon cards to school so that they can swap them with their friends.  Unfortunately, we are experiencing several incidents on a daily basis where pupils are disagreeing about swapping cards.  Although we have tried to support pupils in using the cards appropriately, these discussions are now eating into our learning in other areas.  Therefore, I ask that you will support us in discouraging your child(ren) from bringing these cards to school.  We appreciate your support on this matter.

Head Lice
Here is helpful information from the NHS about how to treat your child when they have head lice:
Water Bottles
Please ensure that your child comes to school each day with a clean water bottle.  They can refill it at our water fountain.  When children are thirsty it is better that they can drink from a water bottle kept in the classroom as this is less disruptive to their learning.  It is also more hygienic than sharing a cup.
“Look, Mrs Scott! A new pupil.” Hee! Hee!


Crossmichael Diary Dates 
Wednesday 6th November at 9am Tempest Photography

School photographs in the hall.

Wednesday 13th Nov from 5.30-7.30pm Parents Evening (LATE)

Appointments will be given nearer the time.

Friday 15th Nov from 7pm Parent Council Bingo Night in the Village Hall

To raise funds for school.

Thursday 21st Nov from 3.15pm-5.15pm Parents Evening (EARLY)

Appointments will be given nearer the time.

Friday 13th Dec at 2pm Achievement Assembly

All parents and families are invited to the school so that pupils can share their achievements in learning within and out with school.

Wednesday 18th December at 12pm School Christmas Dinner
Thursday 19th December Christmas Parties (P1-3 in the morning and P5-7 in the afternoon)

P1-3 may arrive wearing their party clothes/non-uniform and change into uniforms before lunch.  P4-7 may bring party clothes/ non-uniform with them and change at lunch time.

Thursday 19th December at 7pm Pantomime at the Fullarton Theatre

Pupils from Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools will attend the theatre to see Cinderella.

Details will follow nearer the time.

Friday 20th Dec at 9am Christmas Service

Parents and families are invited to join us for our Christmas Service in Crossmichael Parish Church.

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