Dear Families and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,
We are delighted to be welcoming back our P1-3 pupils on Monday 22nd February. There is excitement in the air and we hope that it won’t be too long until our P4-7 pupils return too. The First Minister is making a statement in two weeks and we hope that our older pupils can return from 15th March but this will depend on the prevalence of the virus.
I know that many of you may have mixed feelings about sending your children back to school. Please rest assured that we have stringent risk assessments in place to ensure the safety of our pupils and staff.
Here is a letter from Professor Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director who explains the reasons for the partial re-opening of schools.
Additional Information for Pupils Returning on Monday
Crossmichael Primary School
On arrival, P1/2 pupils should play at the front of the school (from the main entrance to the library end) and then line up at the library entrance when the bell goes.
P2 and P3 pupils from the P2-4 class should play at the back of the school and line up at the Portakabin when the bell goes.
Pupils attending the Hub should play at the side of the school beside the PE hall and round to the main entrance. They should line up at the main entrance when the bell goes.
Gelston Primary School
P1-3 can play anywhere in the playground and line up as normal when the bell goes.
School Meals
The school meals menu can be found here:
For the first week, there may be slight changes to the meals offered but there will be a hot option and sandwich options available.
P1-3 pupils receive free school meals and P4-7 pupils pay £1.90 unless receiving free school meals. Pupils may bring a packed lunch if they wish.
Gelston pupils will eat school dinners together in the dining hall. At Crossmichael, P1/2 and P2-3 will have school dinners in the hall at different times. Pupils who attend the Crossmichael Hub will eat meals in the classroom.
Water Bottles
Please ensure you send your child to school with a water bottle as we are unable to provide pupils with cups. Pupils may re-fill their bottles in school.
We are relaxing the dress code so whilst pupils are welcome to wear school uniform, it is not a necessity. Please ensure your child brings several layers with them as we will have windows open for ventilation. Pupils should also bring a change of shoes so that they have an indoor and an outdoor pair.
Social Distancing
Pupils do not need to socially distance from each other although we will be operating a class ‘bubble’ system where there is more than one registration class in school. Pupils should maintain a 2m distance from adults and adults should maintain a 2m distance from each other. Please remember to wear a face covering when bringing your child to school or collecting them from school. We ask that no adults enter the playground unless they have made an appointment.
Child Protection Scotland Campaign
Please remember that it is now against the law to use any form of physical punishment towards a child. The pandemic has put increasing pressure on us all and this has led to an increase in reported cases of domestic abuse and substance misuse.
If you have concerns about the welfare of a child then please call Social Services on 030 33 33 3001. Call the Police on 999 if it is an emergency or on 101 for advice.
If you see something, say something!
Retirement of Castle Douglas Headteacher – Mr David Tyson
Mr David Tyson used to be Headteacher at Gelston Primary School and we know that his well known and well respected by many people. He is retiring at Easter and to mark the occasion, we will be asking for your help! Please look out for an email containing details.
If you have any questions then please get in touch with us. I will be based at Crossmichael Primary School and Mrs Glover (Principal Teacher from Crossmichael) will be based at Gelston Primary School (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs Maxwell on Fridays.
Best wishes,
Mary Lidstone-Scott