Dear Family and Friends of Crossmichael Primary School,
Learning at Home when Isolating due to Covid-19 Symptoms
If your child needs to stay at home because they are exhibiting one of the three Covid-19 symptoms (new, continuous cough/ fever/ loss of taste or sense of smell) then the school will make contact with you every week to check in with you. This will normally be a telephone call from the Principal Teacher or Headteacher.
If your child is feeling well enough to complete some learning at home then the class teacher will provide work for him/her via email, or paper copies will be made available.
School Chromebooks Borrowed by Children
During ‘lockdown’ we gave some children a school ‘Chromebook’ laptop so that they could access learning online. These laptops belong to the partnership schools. We now need to gather them back in to schools for pupils to use. These can be borrowed again if required. Please return the Chromebooks with the power cords (and dongles if you received one).
Reporting to Parents
This term, each teacher will email you a brief summary of your child’s strengths and next steps in learning. We understand that many of you are anxious to find out if your child has any gaps in their learning as a result of the school closures. We hope that this summary will provide you with this information. You may contact class teachers via email if you have any questions or concerns.
House Captains and Vice-Captains Elected
Congratulations to our P6 and P7 pupils who recorded their speeches outlining why they would make a good House/ Vice-Captain. All pupils have voted and the results are:
Congratulations to you all!
Parent Council Meeting – Monday 5th October
We are having a Parent Council Meeting via the ZOOM app on Monday 5th October at 7pm. Please email our Chairperson, Mrs Gilli Hodson, at so that we can send you a user ID and password. We will be discussing a Christmas fundraiser.
Best wishes,
Mary E Lidstone-Scott