Newsletter – Monday 10th February 2020

A713 Road Closure for Re-Surfacing Works

I have been in touch with Bob Green (Team Leader Road Network Management – West) and he assures me that parents and families will be permitted to come through the traffic lights in order to collect children at the end of the school day.

Unfortunately, we will have to follow diversions during the school day as it is not possible for traffic to pass through the road works.

Thank you for your patience.


Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy 2020

This year, one of the targets on our School Improvement Plan is to develop a Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy.  Several members of staff have met from schools in Castle Douglas High School Cluster to create a draft copy of what this might look like.  I now wish to share this with staff, parents and pupils across the partnership schools and to seek your feedback.

In particular, I would like to know what you think we should include to ensure effective partnerships between home and school.  I would also like to know if you would like further information on what is meant by ‘restorative approaches’.

Please see the link below and email the school office with your feedback at

Castle Douglas Cluster Better Relationships Policy 2019 DRAFT


Open Day Feedback

Thank you to those parents who attended our open day on 4th February.  We hope that you found it useful to get a feel for what and how your child learns in school.  Please comment below if there is anything else that you would like more information about.


School Holiday Dates

Please remember that schools will be closed next week for pupils.  Staff will attend training days on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st February.


Rag Bag Collection – Thursday 27th February

Please pop and unwanted clothing into black bin bags and leave in the main school office for collection on 27th February.


P4 Swimming Lessons

P4 pupils will be engaging in nine swimming lessons at Castle Douglas swimming pool every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 17th March until 7th April from 11:30-12:30.  Transport will be provided.  Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit on those days.


Diary Dates

Monday 17th – Friday 20th February



Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm

School holidays

(Teacher training days on 19th and 20th)


Parent Council Meeting

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 1st April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘The Bumblesnouts Save the World’
Friday 3rd April at 9.30am Easter Service in Church

Best wishes,

Maey E Lidstone-Soctt


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