Newsletter – Monday 2nd December 2019

Photos of last week from the Crossmichael Bloggers!

Last week we had a Book Fair Breakfast and lots of us came for toast and tea.  £180 was raised on the day and the Book Fair will be open until Thursday 5th December.  Thank you to Mrs Martin for organising it.


We took photos of P3-5 learning about directions.  P5-7 have been learning about climate change and extreme weather.  One group were playing a games about this.


Mr Wilson helped Mr McWilliam and Mrs Scott to clear out the sheds and take the old pallets away.  He put everything on his trailer.  Thank you for helping us to tidy our school Mr Wilson.


From the Crossmichael Bloggers


Diary Dates

Friday 13th Dec at 2pm Achievement Assembly

All parents and families are invited to the school so that pupils can share their achievements in learning within and out with school.

Wednesday 18th December at 12pm School Christmas Dinner
Thursday 19th December Christmas Parties (P1-3 in the morning and P5-7 in the afternoon)

P1-3 may arrive wearing their party clothes/non-uniform and change into uniforms before lunch.  P4-7 may bring party clothes/ non-uniform with them and change at lunch time.

Thursday 19th December at 7pm Pantomime at the Fullarton Theatre

Pupils from Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools will attend the theatre to see Cinderella.

Details will follow nearer the time.

Friday 20th Dec at 9.30am Christmas Service

Parents and families are invited to join us for our Christmas Service in Crossmichael Parish Church.


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