P3-5 Moth Trapping with Mr P Norman

Mr Peter Norman, Project Officer from South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre (SWSEIC), came to talk to pupils in P3-5 about moths as part of their Art project.

Pupils helped him to set moth traps on Monday and on Tuesday they looked at their catch.  Mrs S Beilinksi (Art Specialist) worked with pupils to create Art work inspired by the colourful moths.  Pictures of pupils’ art work will be posted next week.  Here are some photographs and comments from pupils in P3-5 about the moths:


Here are lots of different kinds of moths – Logan

There are 2500 types of moth in the UK – Harris

I had no idea there were so many different types of moth – Ruby Wild

Moths eat flies – Lucas

When the tiger moth hears a bat coming it folds it wings and drops to the ground to get out the way – Maria

I didn’t know that there were about 1000 species of big moths in the UK and about half of them can be found in Scotland -Bruce

When a bird is coming a tiger moth shows the bright marking on its wings to scare the bird away – Imogen

Moths and butterflies are basically the same – Eva

We could find up to 350 different moths in Crossmichael – Euan

Nobody knows why moths are attracted to light – Alison

I didn’t know that there were lots of different colours of moth I thought they were all brown – Keira

Moths only live as moths for about 2 weeks –Zoe

I didn’t know that a swift moth doesn’t eat – Keiran

Most moths fly in the day time – Duncan

There are no moths that are dangerous to humans – Ruby Williams



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