At Collin Primary we are taking actions to cut our carbon in the following areas, or are planning on doing so in the next year:
Energy use: such as running ‘switch off campaigns’ with staff and pupils.
Food: serving food grown locally or on-site, or working with pupils’ families.
Procurement: such as sourcing goods or services locally, or cutting stationery use.
School grounds: such as planting trees locally or on-site, running biodiversity projects, or cooling through vegetation.
Travel: such as joining schemes and programmes to encourage cycling, scooting and walking.
Waste: such as sorting waste or composting on-site, or helping families cut waste at home.
Water: such as installing water butts.
Other: such as taking part in EcoSchools and WWF schemes, or promoting sustainability through teaching resources.
Our Eco Committee will keep you up to date as we work towards