Week Beginning Mon 22nd March 2021
Dear families,
It is lovely to see the not only our gardens but our wee school spring to life as we welcome back our P4-7 class. The children have settled back in very quickly and it is lovely to have a little normality for all.
Thank you to all who have helped with online learning. We know it has been an arduous task at times but our pupils are back and raring to go. We will be focusing on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing in the classrooms as well as skills for life.
School uniform and footwear
Please can children come with a warm jacket and wellies or change of shoes/trainers every day as we aim to be outside as much as possible in this beautiful weather. These can be left in school .P.E is still not permitted indoors and so we will be outdoors in the Forest classroom and school field when possible.
School uniform is relaxed at this time . We would ask when possible for children to continue to wear a red school jumper. School trousers /dresses are fine however black or dark coloured leggings or joggers are preferable as we aim to keep children active. Please ensure you child has a water bottle each day. Pupils should bring a PE kit on a Monday which will be sent home each Friday.
Breakfast Club
Our breakfast club is not currently running. We aim to review this after the Spring break with a view to have it operational as soon as possible.
Learning conversations will not be held due to Covid 19 restrictions. Pupils will receive a summative school report from their child’s class teacher towards the end of the school year.
Health and Safety
Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our pupils and staff remains paramount. Risk assessments for all schools are continually being updated in light of the newly published guidance.
Support for Parents/Carers
Please find below a few links to some very useful information to help support parents/carers at this difficult time:
https://www.place2be.org.uk/our-services/parents-and-carers/ https://clearyourhead.scot/ https://www.parentclub.scot/topics/coronavirus/winter-startback/scottish-schools-reopening https://www.parentclub.scot/topics/coronavirus/winter-startback/scottish-nurseries-reopening
ICT Access
We continue to be advised by the local authority that the supply of laptops has been used up and there are no more laptops available at this time.
Drop Off and Pick Up
Given the ongoing stay at home message in place across Scotland, we would ask that, if possible, only one parent/carer comes to the school at drop off and pick-up times. In line with Government advice, we would ask you to maintain 2m physical distancing with other parents at the school gates and refrain from gathering at the top of the school path. All schools will continue to restrict access to their grounds and/or buildings. As before, face coverings should continue to be worn by all adults (unless exempted) when waiting for their child or if they are required to enter school grounds.
We are delighted to have our blog up and running, this is where you will find a weekly round up and dates for forthcoming events as well as information on school policies, lunch menus etc. Please spend time familiarising yourself with our blog as we continue to work on it!
If there is anything you want to add please email the office. We also have a wider achievement section for anything pupils have accomplished out with school so please send this in to!
We look forward to the week ahead and thank you all for your continued support.
Stay safe and take care.