Young Carers Project, Dumfries and Galloway


01387 248600

Contact email



Dumfries & Galloway Carers Centre, 2-6 Noth Street, Dumfries, DG1 2PW

Who the service is aimed at: 

Children and Young people 7-18 years old who have a caring role for a member of their family.

Support provided: 

Support children 7-18 where caring has an impact on their life through:

  • Information, Advice and Support
  • One to one
  • Informal Advocacy
  • Young Carers Activity Groups
  • School Drop in
  • Funding Available to YCs
  • Young Carers Statement
  • Young Carers Grant
  • Young Scot YC Package
  • Educational Worker
  • Residentials
  • Dropins

Age range:

Area covered:

All Dumfries and Galloway

Can an individual access the service directly, or do they need to be referred to it by another service – like a school, social worker, health practitioner for example?

How to make a referral:

Top tips for making a ‘good’ referral (if applicable): 

What needs to be in place before a referral is accepted (for example a Child’s Plan)? 

Is there a charge/fee for this service? 


If there is a charge/fee, is there funding available for this?

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