Perinatal Mental Health Service
Telephone: 01387 246246
Contact email:
Address: Dept. of Psychological Services and Research Mental Health Outpatients Mountainhall Treatment Centre Bankend Road Dumfries DG1 4AP
Who the service is aimed at: Our service offers support to women over the age of 18 who are in the perinatal period. This includes pre conception advice through to baby’s first birthday.
Support provided: The Perinatal Mental Health Team offers Specialised Perinatal Mental Health Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Clinical Psychology assessment and intervention to women over 18 during the perinatal period (conception to baby’s first birthday) across Dumfries and Galloway.
Women who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health difficulties related to pregnancy , birth and the post birth period can access this service .
Women can access Perinatal Mental Health Nursing following assessment by the local Community Mental Health Team.
Women can access assessment and intervention if appropriate by direct referral to Clinical Psychology.
Occupational Therapy may be offered to women who have already been assessed by Perinatal Mental Health Nursing or Perinatal Psychology if appropriate.
Psychology also offer Maternity and Neonatal Psychological Interventions to women who have experienced birth trauma, fear of birth, adjustment to having a child who has had neonatal care and women who have experienced baby loss.
The Perinatal Mental Health Service signposts fathers/ partners to relevant Health and Third Sector services
The Perinatal Mental Health Service works closely with Wee Minds Matter, the Infant Mental Health Team.
Area covered: All Dumfries and Galloway
Can an individual access the service directly, or do they need to be referred to it by another service – like a school, social worker, health practitioner for example?
Another service, for example a GP or other healthcare provider
How to make a referral: REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE (RfA);
Top tips for making a ‘good’ referral (if applicable): Provide GP, Patient Name, Chi and Address
- Include details of all services/ named professionals involved
- Provide Estimated Day of Delivery if pregnant/ age of baby
- Information on risk/ Risk Assessment
- Information on any diagnoses
- Information on current functioning- social, emotional, activities of daily living
- Information on current medications
- Information on past mental health
What needs to be in place before a referral is accepted (for example a Child’s Plan)? Email the generic email or use the Professionals Advice Line Thursdays 9-10 (01387 246246) to discuss potential referrals
Is there a charge/fee for this service? No
If there is a charge/fee, is there funding available for this? N/A