Autism Outreach Service (Education)
Contact email:
Who the service is aimed at:
The Autism Outreach Service is available for children and young people who have an Autism or Asperger’s diagnosis. Consultations are available for staff of children and young people who are on the NDAS waiting list.
Support provided:
Consultation for all staff pre submitting a request for assistance.
Consultation for school staff to offer advice and support. This includes children and young people who are awaiting diagnosis.
Consultations for staff from other agencies to offer advice and possible signposting.
Parent Information Sessions. Schools will be given dates for parents to attend information sessions to help them understand how to support their child or young person. Sessions can be targeted to one or two topics or a general initial information session.
Short programmes of work for children and young people who have a diagnosis. Programmes are agreed as an outcome of a child plan meeting. The programmes can include transition, emotions and feelings, friendships.
Training for staff. Training opportunities for staff on various topics, environment, sensory, behaviour are a few of the training options.
Opportunities for classes to take part in Lego therapy training.
Autism Outreach Service can offer talks to school assemblies on Autism and Neurodiversity.
Autism Outreach Service will work with other agencies to support families, children and young people.
Information for siblings this is available from the Carers Centre
Age range:
All ages of children 0-17
Area covered:
All Dumfries and Galloway
Can an individual access the service directly, or do they need to be referred to it by another service – like a school, social worker, health practitioner for example?
Referrals would be made by another service/practitioner and not directly by the child/young person/family using a Request for Assistance Form.
How to make a referral:
A pre request for assistance consultation should be arranged by contacting
Top tips for making a ‘good’ referral (if applicable):
- Does the young person have an Autism/Asperger’s diagnosis or are they awaiting an assessment?
- What exactly are you requesting, this should be discussed at consultation? “Input from Autism Outreach” will not be accepted.
- Do you have a copy of the diagnostic assessment as this can help understand some difficulties a child or young person is experiencing it can also highlight what can help?
- The diagnostic assessment should also be sent with the request for assistance.
- A copy of the Child Plan and who is also working with the child or young person.
- Does the young person know what is being requested and do they agree with the referral?
What needs to be in place before a referral is accepted (for example a Child’s Plan)?
- Pre request for assistance consultation
- Preferably a child plan should be in place
- Diagnostic assessment
Is there a charge/fee for this service?
If there is a charge/fee, is there funding available for this?