The Usual Place


01387 2531485

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Academy Street Dumfries. DG1 1BZ

Who the service is aimed at: (Is the service targeted towards specific groups for example Young Carers, Children with disabilities?)

Young people 16-25 with additional support needs but we will assess each case on it’s merits.

Support provided: 

1:1 mentoring support in a real life hospitality setting.

Age range: (Does the service work with a particular age group eg babies & infants, all children up to age 18? Children and young people aged 12-25?)

Core age group is 16-25 but we have leeway either side.

Area covered: (eg All Dumfries and Galloway, specific localities?)

We have had people as far as Langholm, Kirkconnell and Newtown Stewart

Can an individual access the service directly, or do they need to be referred to it by another service? (Does there need to be a referral from a teacher, health visitor, social worker, other service/ practitioner or is this not required?)

They can access directly, anyone over 16 need to undergo our vetting process before starting.

Young people coming from scroll can be referred by the school therefore removing the vetting requirements

How to make a referral (if applicable): (If a service is referring a child or young person, do they need to submit a Request for Assistance Form or does the service have its own forms that a referrer would need to complete?)

Send an initial email to and they will arrange a visit and initial chat.

Top tips for making a ‘good’ referral (if applicable): (If a referral is needed to access this service, is there any particular information that you need on this?)

What needs to be in place before a referral is accepted? (for example does a Child’s Plan need to be in place first)

As above

Is there a charge/fee for this service? 

Free at point of access at the moment

If there is a charge/fee, is there funding available for this?

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