Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)


01387 244662

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CAMHS –Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care


CAMHS, The Willows, Children and Families Centre, Glencaple Rd, Dumfries DG1 4TG

Who the service is aimed at: 

CAMHS is the name for the NHS specialist services that assess and treats children and young people up to their 18th birthday who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health which is having a significant impact on their day-to-day life.

CAMHS includes ISSU18 which is a service for young people who are experiencing significant problems with their own substance use. Or young people who live or have lived in homes where substance misuse is problematic and there is significant impact on the young person.

Support provided: 

CAMHS is made up of several teams who have different skills to meet the needs of young people. Each team will have staff from different professional backgrounds and they have specific skills. Throughout a young person’s  journey they might meet and speak with:

  • Admin
  • Nursing
  • Support Mental Health Workers
  • Consultant Psychiatrists
  • Participation Lead
  • Child & Adolescent Applied Psychologist
  • Consultant Clinical Psychologist
  • Team Leaders
  • Senior Management

Age range:

Young people aged 0-18 years. After 18 years transition to Adult Mental Health Services may be an option

Area covered:

All Dumfries and Galloway

Can an individual access the service directly, or do they need to be referred to it by another service – like a school, social worker, health practitioner for example?

CAMHS accept referrals from professionals and also accept self referral which can be accessed via the
CAMHS website

How to make a referral (if applicable):

As above, the self referral form is available on the CAMHS website.

Top tips for making a ‘good’ referral (if applicable): 

CAMHS will accept referrals from anyone who knows the child or young person.

If the young person is over 12 years old, they may want to refer themselves.  Or they can ask a parent / carers / professional to make a referral for them, but the young person will need to give permission for this.  The Self Referral Form should be filled out with as much information as possible. If the young person is under 12 years old then a parent/carer/professional will need to complete the referral along with the young person, where appropriate.

Does anything need to be in place before a referral is accepted (for example a Child’s Plan)? 

There are no requirements for things to be in place prior to referring to CAMHS.

Is there a charge/fee for this service? 


If there is a charge/fee, is there funding available for this?


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