Care Experienced Health and Wellbeing Team


01387 244579 / 244568

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CAMHS –Dumfries & Galloway Health & Social Care


The Willows, Children and Families Centre, Glencaple Rd, Dumfries DG1 4TG

Who the service is aimed at: 

Young people 13-25 years and professionals supporting Young People.

Support provided: 

We are a multi disciplinary health and wellbeing service for children and young people up to 18 years old who are care experienced and living in Dumfries and Galloway.    The child or young person may be cared for at home, in kinship care, in residential care or adopted.

  • Training on mental health and wellbeing issues that are relevant to care experienced young people and those who support them.
  • Consultation Service for professionals working with care experienced young people
  • Indirect work, advice and guidance to parents and carers about ways of working with and supporting children and young people
  • Direct work including appropriate therapeutic interventions with the child or young person and or families/carers

Age range:

Young people aged 0-18 years

Area covered:

All Dumfries and Galloway

Can an individual access the service directly, or do they need to be referred to it by another service – like a school, social worker, health practitioner for example?

Referrals will be considered from all health, education and children’s services professionals and from families and carers themselves.

How to make a referral (if applicable):

We accept referrals by letter, email or request for assistance form.
Referrals can also be made via the CAMHS website

Referral Criteria:

  • The child is Care Experienced and Accommodated, and/or in kinship care or adopted.
  • The young person is between the ages of 0 – 18.
  • The young person is resident in Dumfries and Galloway.
  • The young person is displaying significant emotional and/or behavioural difficulties related to being looked after and / or accommodated

Top tips for making a ‘good’ referral (if applicable): 

Information to be included in a referral:

  • What the current concerns are and the impact on the child
  • What services are currently involved with the child/family and what work they are undertaking
  • What assistance is being requested

Other information that would be helpful:

  • An overview of the current living situation
  • Significant life events that may have occurred
  • A brief family history or any other background information that is available

Does anything need to be in place before a referral is accepted (for example a Child’s Plan)? 


Is there a charge/fee for this service? 


If there is a charge/fee, is there funding available for this?


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