Castle Douglas Primary and Early Learning and Childcare Centre

This is my school and I love it here!

Our Weekly News – September 28th


Our Weekly School News

Sharing our learning with the school community. 

School News

We had an Achievement Assembly today and thank you to Milly, Eli, Struan, Alex, Myley, Duncan and Rory for sharing their dancing, taekwondo, gymnastics, Cubs and drumming activities.

We also had our Pupils of the Month awards which are chosen by each class.

Swift House were September’s winning team.


Class News 


Primary 1a    

We’ve had a fun filled week in P1A!

Ayla: I liked when we did ‘p’. We learned the action!

Lola: I liked the disco! I liked the corner game!

Murry: My favourite part was going to the nature garden. I liked tidying up from the wind.

Finlay: I liked playing with my friends!

Darla: I like going to the field. It’s a big field and I get to run in it!

We also did smelly stations when we learned the ‘n’ sound – lots of fun guessing the smells!

Primary 1b

Some of the things we have enjoyed this week:

Zane: “I liked drawing”

Conall: “I liked doing the stinky station”

Flynn: “I liked doing the smelly station”

We had 6 pots that were covered with foil and we had to smell and guess what was in the pots.

Hannah: “We smelled with our noses”

Eddie: “stinky cheese”

Zane: “sweeties”

Angus: “toothpaste”

Zach: “lemon

Hannah: “coffee”

Beth: “rose beans” – rosemary

Kai: “I liked playing with the cars”

Mya: “I liked playing with Beth and Willow”


In Maths this week we have been looking at pattern using colour and shapes. We have been continuing and creating 2 & 3 repeat patterns. Eddie created his own 2 repeat pattern – blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow. Well done Eddie. We were creating our own patterns in the Nature Garden using natural objects; sticks, leaves and acorns were some of the objects the children used.

We have learned all of our letters and sounds for this term – s, a, t, i, n, p. We have been working hard to blend these sounds together to build and read 3 letter words; Archie read ‘sat’ and Charlotte read ‘sit’ independently. Well done Archie and Charlotte.

Congratulations to Zane, our Pupil of the Month. Zane won the award for being a super role model in class and always offering to help other children and adults if and when they need it. Superstar!


Primary 2

We have been learning all about 2D shapes this week.

We have also been outside using our senses to listen to the sounds we can hear and describing what we can see and smell.

We are having great fun playing Nessie Netball during PE.


Primary 2/3

Abbie ‘We went to the nature garden and built fairy houses because we were learning about nurture.’

Alba ‘We are nurtured because our parents care about us.’

Alexander ‘We have been learning the days of the week in French.’

Darcie ‘We learned about primary colours and made some more secondary colours.’

Eamon ‘ We have been learning about grid references.’

Cameron ‘ We started to learn to sing Jingle Bells.’


Primary 3

We have been very busy in class organising our Spooky Bake Sale for after the October Holidays. We are hoping to raise money to help children in Malawi to go to school.

With P4/5, we have been making posters for our Sale and we have been writing letters to businesses in the local community too.

Our Spooky Bake Sale is on Wednesday 31st October – keep an eye out for letters in school bags!


Primary 3/4 

This week we have been learning about grid references. We have been following coordinates to help us to locate objects on a map.

As part of our topic we have been learning about friction. We know that friction occurs when two surfaces rub against each other. We found out that rougher surfaces create more friction. We carried out some an investigation with toy cars to test how much friction different surfaces would create:

Jake – “The door mat created lots of friction because it is so rough”.

Caitlin – “The table didn’t create much friction because it is smooth”.

We also took our toy cars to the nature garden to investigate friction on natural objects. Some of us even built ramps with different surfaces to test which would be best.

“The path created lots of friction. My car didn’t go anywhere” – Devlin

Reminder- Please return Threave Castle letters as soon as possible.


Primary 4 

P4 explored water density as part of our ocean topic. We created an ocean in a bottle using water, blue food colouring and oil. It was fascinating to watch the oil float to the top of the bottle, separating from the water. We learned that this happened because there are more tiny particles called molecules in water than oil, making the water dense. We added shells, shook the bottles and watched the liquids mix. We wrote a report about our science experiment and included a labelled diagram.

As part of world’s largest lesson, we focused on Global Goal 14 ‘Life below Water’. The children designed awareness posters that highlighted the threat of plastic waste to our oceans and seas. They included a short snappy sentence and eye catching drawings. Kacie’s poster won our class competition because her poster’s message was clear and her design was colourful. Kacie took home a re-usable cup and straw juice cup prize!

Alex shared his dancing achievement at assembly and Fraser was awarded pupil of the month. Well done boys.

Reminder – P.E kits are required on Wednesday and Thursday every week.

Primary 4/5

In Maths this week we have been learning how to lay out written addition sums. We have been learning how to carry.

Alannah – I’ve learned how to write my sums down and how to carry the numbers over. You have to add the units together first.

Shea – I’ve loved maths this week. It is my favourite subject.

In PE we have continued to learn rugby skills.

Charlotte – I really enjoyed playing a mini game of rugby. I scored a try.

Shea – I love playing in a team. I’m good at rugby.

P4/5 have been learning how to write imaginative stories this week. We have all been working hard on using good adjectives to help describe our characters and set the scene.

We have continued to read our story all about Ahmet, the Syrian Refugee. Along with P3 we are going to hold a spooky bake sale on Wednesday 31st October. We are raising money for charities. One of these charities is called UNICEF. In class we have been learning how they help Syrian refugee children. Some of our bake sale profits will help UNICEF provide lifesaving food, clean water, medical care and education centres for Syrian children. We have sent letters home with more information about this.

Lily learned new sewing skills to make a heart in stitch club.

Hugo can now say his Cubs Promise in French.


Primary 5 

This week P5 have been working more on place value in maths. Children have been using columns to help them work out the value of a digit.

In literacy we have been focusing on our writing and using adjectives to describe setting. We also got a chance to go outside for paired reading.

In topic we have been looking at food chains and learned what a producer, primary consumer and secondary consumer is. We have also looked at human influence on other living things and have started our home project of learning about a variety of endangered animals which we will all present at the end of term.

In art we have shown we are ‘budding’ artists when we were learning how to draw petals of different flowers.


Primary 5/6

This week we have been using our talking and listening skills to describe journeys. It really got us thinking about how to communicate effectively in order to give directions. We also realised that good listening skills are vital in order to be able to retain information.

In Numeracy, P5/6 were working out increments on number lines and estimating values. This raised a lot of discussion about the link between knowing our tables and working out proportions of much larger numbers.

In Science, we experimented with different colours of light and made predictions about the outcome of mixing them. To our surprise, some combinations made very different colours to the ones we are used to when mixing paint.

Primary 6/7 

This week we have been learning about Cyber-Communities. We have been learning about staying safe online and on social media. We have listed the advantages and disadvantages of being part of an online community and discussed these. We have been rehearsing singing Let it Snow and Winter Wonderland with Primary 6 for P4/5’s Christmas CD enterprise.We have posted our letters about our Outdoor Learning Week to Primary 7 at St Gabriel’s Primary in Edinburgh. We are waiting for them to reply.The Squares and Rectangles are learning to multiply 2 digit numbers and will be able to share their learning of this with folks at home!

Reminders: Please remember P.E. kits on Mondays and Fridays.

Spelling and Maths homework is being given out weekly to be handed in on Friday mornings.

Reading homework is given during the week, also. Please check your child’s homework diary for details of this.
Primary 7

Isla L and I have moved up to a different song at guitar this week. – Bob

In ICT we were researching trenches in World War 1. I learned that they were muddy and soldiers found it very hard to sleep at night. – Neve

They had barbed wire on the top of the trenches to stop enemy forces getting in during the night. – Daniel P

In the trenches soldiers would sometimes get a condition called ‘trench foot’. Their skin would peel off and sometimes their foot would be amputated.- Morven

I am proud that I got full marks in my Accelerated Reader test for my reading group book this week. – Ryan S

I am very good at place value – I got full marks in my maths assessment on Thursday. – Andrew D

I liked the shopping list task we did in maths this week. It was fun. – Daniel G

Well done to Cameron for being awarded Pupil of the Month for P7 on Friday.







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