
Welcome to the Belmont Primary School Community!

We are committed to providing a nurturing environment where all children are safe, happy and learning. Our dedicated staff work in partnership with supportive family members.

The school recognises the importance of developing strong links with parents/carers. To ensure that you have the information you need to feel fully included in your child’s education, we make use of a range of digital technologies:

The School App is our main electronic resource. Download it to your phone/device by searching for ‘Jigsaw School App’ in your App Store. Once installed, select ‘Belmont Primary School’ from the list of schools. Remember to turn on notifications! Further help and guidance can be found here: Belmont School App – Download Guide

The following Sway (e-newsletter) contains information about attending Belmont Primary School: Information for Parents/Carers: Session 24/25

You will also find us on Social Media:

School/Parent Council Facebook Page

Nursery Facebook Group

Children’s Centre Facebook Group 

Please ‘Like’, ‘Follow’ and/or request to join the areas relevant to you and your child(ren).

We have an open-door policy, where families and all those involved in the life of the school are included and made to feel very welcome. If you have any questions or would like to discuss any aspect of your child’s education, please do not hesitate to call in to school or contact the School Office on 01776 702952.

For further information, please also see the School Handbook.

Mr. Stuart Hunter (Headteacher)

Telephone: 01776 702952
E-mail: gw08officebelmont@ea.dumgal.sch.uk

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