
Let’s pretend we are going on a trip to DISNEYLAND.

Let’s have an adventure for our last week before the summer holidays!

Fasten your seatbelts cos we’re flying in an aeroplane to PARIS  to see Disneyland! We’ve got to fly right across sea.

Look at these planes taking off and landing. Look at the views out of the window.

I know lots of you love planes and can spot them flying in the sky.

Imagine one day you actually flew in the sky!

Look at this wee boy! His dream came true to fly a plane! I can imagine some of you learning to use these controls.

”Ladies and gentlemen, I am your CAPTAIN and our flight today is to Disneyland!”

Why don’t you line up some chairs and pretend it’s your aeroplane. Get your family or toys to sit on your plane. You could even make all the buttons and controls?

I can’t wait to see Disneyland, can you? What do you think we’ll see? What do you want to do first?

Come on, let’s go on the boat to see It’s a Small World!

Now that we are in Disneyland Paris, let’s eat some French food!

Do you know any French food? Of course you do! We even made garlic bread at nursery and grew our own garlic. It’s very easy to do-just plant a clove of garlic. Look after it and watch it grow!

Are you ready to eat some croissants and crepes and garlic bread!!!! Ooooh la la!

Would you ever eat garlic snails??????

How about learning some French whilst we’re in Paris?

Do you know a famous building in Paris? Some of you have models of it in your house.

Yes! The Eiffel Tower. Why not see if you can make a very high tower. What will you use? Jenga bricks? Lego? Boxes? How tall did you make it? What? As tall as the couch!

Imagine climbing all those steps! Maybe you will visit Paris when you are older. What an ambition to have.

Well, we have been very busy on our visit to Disneyland-riding on the different rides, learning French, eating French food, growing garlic, building towers and climbing the 1665 steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower!

Now it’s time to relax! Do you want to watch a Disney movie? Pop on the popcorn, sit yourself down and chill!!

What is your favourite Disney movie? Ask you family which film they like best. I asked my family and they said The Lion King, A Bug’s Life and The Aristocats! What did your family say?

Here’s one of my favourite Disney songs. I wish I could be dancing in the crowd for this film!

Au revoir! Bonnes vacances!



This week’s theme is DINOSAURS

Dinosaurs lived a long time ago. Long before Grandmas and Grandpas were born. People have found dinosaur bones and  footprints.

Why don’t you make your own footprints and tracks? Where will your tracks go?

Did you know that dinosaurs hatch from eggs? Just like a chick! Here are some chicks that hatched in Beattock a few weeks ago. They look soft and fluffy. Do you remember when we hatched chicks and ducklings at nursery?

Here’s a video of Andy on an adventure. He sees a baby Diplodocus dinosaur hatch from an egg.

Would you like to make your own nest for a dinosaur egg? What will you use to keep the eggs safe and warm? Look at this warm nest made by Tim.

Here are some of your nursery friends making and painting nest boxes at home.


Time for snack after all that stomping like a dinosaur and making nests. Look at these fun dinosaur snacks. Which one do you like?

Time for Miss Musiej’s COOK SCHOOL.

This week Miss Musiej has made some very tasty tomato soup. Have a look! Click on the title below to see the recipe and to see Miss Musiej making the soup.

tomato soup




Find a toy dinosaur or any wee toy. Put it in a plastic tub, like an ice cream tub. Fill the tub with water. Put it in the freezer. You’ll have to wait ONE DAY before you can try to melt the ice age dinosaurs. How will you melt them?

Yes, that’s right. The sun will melt it. So will warm water. So will salt. I’m glad you remembered.

Why not try these other ice experiments? Or make your own ice lollies!

Some dinosaurs eat meat. They are called carnivores. Some dinosaurs eat plants. They are the herbivores. Go out to your garden and pick some leaves to make a salad for your herbivore dinosaur!

Look at this wee girl. She is picking leaves with her sister to make a salad. She has been learning the names of leaves and flowers.

#mayoday #noraonfood #lovenora #mayofood #thisisirishfood #castlebar #wildfood #foraging

Posted by Nora_on_food on Saturday, May 2, 2020


Benny the Puppy

Benny liked hearing about dinosaurs today. He’s going to dress up like a Palaeontologist and look for dinosaur fossils! He found hats and shoes and a bag for all the bones and fossils he might find. (Not sure if Palaeontologists wear ties??? But Benny thought they were very smart so he wanted to look smart!)

Benny remembers seeing you when you came to nursery dressed up. You wanted to be an Engineer and an Art Doctor. Hope you have fun dressing up today. Wonder what you’ll be?

Finally parents, here’s a great app for your phones or tablets from the Scottish Book Trust. It is free and has loads of stories, songs and rhymes.

Just search Scottish Book Trust



At the Circus!

Welcome to our weekly nursery blog! It won’t be the same as seeing you in the nursery, but we hope it cheers up your week with some ideas of things you can try at home. 

This week’s theme is THE CIRCUS!!!


Put on your own Circus Show for your family.

Make tickets or draw posters for your circus. Practice your Circus skills. Mrs Leigh is practicing juggling, Miss Murray is training her dog, Jock, to do some tricks and Miss Musiej and Mrs Paterson are going to pretend they have ponies and do jumps with them!!

What will you practice?

Delicious CIRCUS things You Can EAT!!!!!!

Check out these delicious clowns and lions! They look like one of Miss Murray’s snacks don’t they!

Time for Miss Musiej’s COOK SCHOOL!

This week Miss Musiej has made some yummy Blueberry and Strawberry Fruit Smoothies. Drink one and it will give you the energy to join in the Greatest Show!


Click on the title Smoothies to open the link to see the recipe.

Do you know this song? Does it make you feel like dancing in the Greatest Show?

After all that dancing why don’t you make your own Circus Big Top Den so that you can have a wee nap in it! Do you remember making this den at nursery? You could even make a den under the chairs!


Finally, here is a story about a dog called Spot who went to the Circus.

Here’s the creator of Spot reading the first Spot book. I can imagine Miss Murray reading this one!!!!!


Benny the busy Puppy

Benny likes the Spot books and he likes hiding too.

Can you see where he is hiding? Why don’t you play Hide and Seek too!

Something for parents:

I know this doesn’t happen very often, but if you get some time to yourself here is a great online course for mums, dads, parents-to-be, grandparents and carers. 


It has been designed by NHS and a charity called Solihull Approach and is free for parents in Scotland. The modules range from Understanding pregnancy, your baby, your child and your teenager’s brain!


Each module is divided into smaller sections that take about 2-5 minutes to complete. You can dip in and out of them. I am doing one just now and finding it very helpful. Click on the link above to find out more. The free access code is TARTAN.

See you next week!

Beattock Nursery’s Got Talent!

Thanks to all who have been sending videos of singing sensations!

Keep them coming!


Welcome to our weekly nursery blog! It won’t be the same as seeing you in the nursery, but we hope it cheers up your week with some ideas of things you can try at home. There is a special Parents’ section at the end with the latest news on nursery reopening.

This week’s theme is ROBOTS

as well as SINGING and DANCING!!!!!

Have you ever pretended you were a robot? It’s fun moving and talking like a robot. There are real robots that help build things and help NHS doctors and nurses to get people better. Isn’t that amazing!

Engineers and scientists program and make real robots.

If you were an engineer what would your robot look like and what would it do to help people?

Delicious robots you can EAT!!!!!

After being such a helpful robot you deserve a robot snack! Miss Murray and Miss Musiej say these snacks are not made of metal!!!! Phew!

Time for Miss Musiej’s COOK SCHOOL

If you’ve just had a birthday or have a birthday coming up very soon, Miss Musiej has made a special birthday hedgehog! Click on the title below to see this yummy party recipe. You could help to chop the fruit and veg-you were all so good at making snack at nursery.

Party Hedgehogs: Fruit and vegetable kebabs



I hope you like this funny song. It’s my all time favourite! Just click on the title to hear and see it. I love the robot dancers!

I am a Robot Song and Dance

Do you like singing and dancing?

Why don’t you learn a new song to sing and record yourself singing and dancing? Here are some of your nursery friends and Miss Murray singing the songs they’ve been learning. ENJOY!!!!!!!


Remember at nursery you used boxes to make robots as well as for lots of other things? Boxes are great fun.

Finally, here is a story about a cat called Ginger and a special box!.

Benny the Busy Puppy

Benny RobotBenny is really interested in robots because they are silver, metal and shiny. He has made a collection of all the silver and shiny and metal things he could find in the house. Why don’t you?

Check out Benny’s funky robot dance!

Parents, some latest news from the Scottish Government for you about school and nursery re-opening: Please click on the links below:

parent club.scot advice on reopening of schools

parent club.scot questions and answers

The given date for school’s opening is August 11th.

See you all ‘virtually’ next week!



Hello again!


 Welcome to our weekly nursery blog! It won’t be the same as seeing you in the nursery, but we hope it cheers up your week with some ideas of things you can try at home.

This week’s theme is BABIES!

When I was little I played a lot with my pram and I loved my new baby brother. I know you LOVE babies too!

When I phoned you last week, lots of you were playing babies. I wish I could have seen your babies. Which one is the tiniest? Which one is the sleepiest? Which one is the naughtiest? Which one goes in the pram all the time?

Have you ever carried your baby on your back? Do you remember doing that at nursery with Mrs Paterson?  You could even carry your baby to the park! Will you put them on your back or front? I hope your baby’s not too heavy!

Here are some things you could play with your babies.

This week on the 21st of May it will be Outdoor Learning Day. Maybe you could try one of these activities outside on Thursday.

I think you know babies like milk!

Do you know why we need milk?  That’s right, you remembered it has calcium in it to make our teeth and bones strong.

Thank you farmers for looking after the cows that give us milk and for growing the plants to give us plant-based milk!

Snack Time!

 Why not try these milk and plant-based milk snacks! See if they make you stronger-can you do more press-ups now?

Now, here’s a FIZZY Science EXPERIMENT using MILK.

Maybe one day you will be a Scientist and help find cures to make people better!

You’ll need milk, vinegar, baking soda, a small dish and kitchen roll. You don’t need food colouring but if you have some it will add to the fun! Please don’t drink the milk afterwards. Yuch! And remember to help tidy away at the end!

Can you remember when you were a baby?

Look at your baby photos, or even mummy and daddy’s baby photos.

How have you changed? You are now much taller and I hear that some of you are nearly as tall as your big brother and that one of you has new Nike shoes that make you bigger!

Why not measure how tall you are and keep a growth chart?

Baby Animals

Play a baby animals game with your family. Ask them if they know the names of baby animals then get them to ask you. Here is a chart to get you started.

Finally, time for the loveliest story about babies. I like when Bill, the smallest one, says “I want my mummy!’

And how could we resit this song! Get dancing!

Benny the busy Puppy!

Benny has a sore paw!

 He wants to play hospitals with his babies and toys.

If you are passing the school this Thursday on your walk, look out for a little present that Benny has painted for each of you. It will be on the wall outside the school and if you live far from Beattock, Benny will try to deliver it to your home.

See you all next week







Welcome to our weekly nursery blog! It won’t be the same as seeing you in the nursery, but we hope it cheers up your week with some ideas of things you can try at home. 

This week’s theme is TRANSPORT!

If you walk around Beattock you’ll see and hear lots of different transport. How many different types of transport can you hear and see? Count how many you find. Which one is your favourite?

I know who likes playing with train sets best and I know who likes jets the best! If you could jump on a jet where would you fly to? Why not look at a map of the world and choose a cool place to go!

What other things could you do today?

You could even play at BUSES!

Here’s a cut and stick skill to learn!

One of our favourite things to do at nursery is to make vehicle stickers. We find pictures of vehicles in newspapers, magazines and online. Then we cut out the pictures of racing cars and aeroplanes or whatever vehicle we like and then we stick them on our jumpers using sellotape.

Delicious Vehicles You Can EAT!!!!!!

Check out these delicious vehicles! They look like one of Miss Murray’s snacks don’t they!

Time for Miss Musiej’s COOK SCHOOL!

Try out a new healthy recipe every week with Miss Musiej. This week it’s time to make Carrot Muffins. These are to celebrate VE Day! Just click on the title below to see the link to Miss Musiej’s recipe and banana dance!


Do you know this song? You always sing it so well at nursery. We’ve even sung it on the bus when we go to Moffat. Join in!

Well done to all you guys who are learning to ride your bikes. YOU DID IT!!!!!!!

Finally, here is a story about Pippin. She has a real adventure on a bus! She can even skateboard!

Benny the busy Puppy

What is he up to this week?

Take care everyone! See you next week!


Welcome to our weekly nursery blog! It won’t be the same as seeing you in the nursery, but we hope it cheers up your week with some ideas of things you can try at home.

This week’s theme is GARDENS!

I’m sure you’ve been out in your garden a lot recently. It doesn’t matter how big or how small your garden is, it’s a wonderful place where plants and even little animals live! Maybe you’ll go on a bug-hunt or water the plants or plant seeds in your garden this week. Do you remember the nursery garden and when we visited Peter Pan’s garden at Moat Brae?

If you want to plant seeds, do you know where you might find them? Yes-inside fruit! If you like apples, keep the seeds and plant them.

Here is an apple seed experiment

All these apples are making me hungry!

These snacks look just like the snacks Miss Murray and Miss Musiej make! Yum yum.

Time for Miss Musiej’s COOK SCHOOL!

Try out a new healthy recipe every week with Miss Musiej. You’ll love it, especially of you’ve been missing going down the road to McDonalds!

Just click on the title Chicken Nuggets below to see what she’s made.


Here’s a great wee garden rhyme!

When I was little I loved doing this wee rhyme. It was very tickly!

Finally, a fabulous story about a very clever ladybird. I know lots of the nursery LOVE ladybirds and they LOVE this story too!

Benny the busy Puppy!

Benny likes sticks. He has used them to make a garden bedroom for bugs! Would you like to see it? Why not make one for your garden too?

Let Benny know if any insects visit your bug bedroom. On the day Benny made his one, a beautiful stag beetle popped in to say hello. Look at it’s purple coat.

Parents, a little something for you!

From my friend’s school!

See you all next week!








Welcome to our weekly nursery blog! It won’t be the same as seeing you in the nursery, but we hope it cheers up your week with some ideas of things you can try at home. Just scroll down the page.

This week’s theme is RAINBOWS!

How could we resist when there are so many to see all around us. Do you have a rainbow picture in your window?

This week why not try to make a rainbow in a different way?

You could make an arc of colours or pile them up to make a rainbow stack.

Mrs Leigh tried to make a rainbow from her washing!

You could collect stones and colour them with pens or paints if you have them. I wonder how many stones you need to make a rainbow? Have a count once your rainbow is made.

Delicious Rainbows You Can EAT!!!!!!

You could even try to make rainbow food!

Check out these delicious rainbows! They look like one of Miss Murray’s snacks don’t they!

Do you know this song?

Once there was a boy called Joseph. His dad gave him a beautiful coat of many colours. Have a look at this funny song-do you think Joseph’s big brothers like his coat?

Try counting all the colours in Joseph’s coat! There’s a lot!

Here is an EXPERIMENT you can do to make a rainbow.

You’ll need: water, a plate and some Skittles (sweeties!).

Next add some water to the plate. Let it cover the skittles a little bit, you might need some help with this bit. Watch very carefully and patiently.

How are rainbows made? I know you always tell me by sunshine and rain!

Have a look at the weather forecast for this week on your tablet or on mummy’s phone. Do you think you’ll see a real rainbow this week? Which day?

Finally, here is a story about a very colourful elephant called Elmer. Do you remember hearing his story at nursery?

Benny the busy Puppy

Benny is enjoying playing outside in the sunny weather. Are you?

What is he up to today? Why don’t you join in?

Free Lunches during Lockdown

Please see the Council’s latest information about providing free school lunches for some nursery pupils. Click on the link below:

D&G CouncilSchools-and-childcare

Fill in the form online or call this number: 01387 271 112

See you next week for more ideas, Benny the Puppy and our new Moving on Monday Club!

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