Tag Archives: Kingswood

Our 4th day at kingswood

Today is our last full day and I can’t wait to go home but I had lots of fun.  One of my favourite activities today was leap of fath.  You had to wear a helmet and a harness and there were ropes hooked on so you wouldn’t fall.  So I climbed up these little steps and made it to the top.  When you are at the top you have to jump on a bar then the instructor takes you down, it was fun.

We did lots of activities but my favourite was the leap of fath.

by John

4th Day At Kingswood

hi guys, today has been super fun and we did the leap of faith and guess what i caught the bar.  And tonight we also have our disco and it will be awsome.  Today is our last day here awww but i cant wait to go home and see my family.  Well I think that is all I really want to say for today.  Bye bye love kristy xx

4th day at Kingswood:D

Hi guys,

Well, today was our second last day at Kingswood 🙁 but it isn’t finished yet, we still have to have a shower and go to the DISCO!!! 😀

Today our activities were:

Nature walk


Team challenge

Leap of faith

Enviromental art

The activities were really fun, my favourite was the leap of faith though. I hope to earn my prefect badge tomorrow. EEEEK, I am soooo excited about it!

Lot of love to all of you, Katie xxx 😀