Category Archives: Kingswood

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Second day at Kingswood!


Today was our second day at Kingswood.

Our activities were:  bush-craft/shelter building, Jacob’s ladder and  laser blasting.

My favourite was Jacob’s ladder. We had to go in pairs with someone and climb up this incredibly high rope ladder. We had to do monkey swings and the proposal (not an actual proposal but you would get down on one knee and help each other up onto the next plank).

Love from Katie XXX 🙂

our second day at kingswood

Today we did Jacobs lader . You have to go in partners to climb up a big ladder you’re on a harness so if you fall you would swing on your harness. The gaps get big when your getting higher.  The last time Mrs McCann went she got up 5 poles with her partner that was record to get past 5 poles and Connie and Kathryn got up to 7 poles.

We did other activities today but I thought the most fun was Jacobs ladder.

                                    by Jennifer