Category Archives: Blogging

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wigtown and kirkcowans eco day

on tuesday the 18th of march 2014 we had kircowan to viset for a eco day.The first thing we did was go to mrs steels class to lern abit more about our eco flags.We got put into our year groups my year group was primary 4.The next stashon we went to was the activaty room we got split up in to 4 groups i was in a group with Erin Jake me and James we had to think of how a bit of litter would end up on the flore. the next station was the hall.I was the modle of the group.      by ellie and edana wigtown primary

Wigtown and Kirkcowan Eco Day

Kirkcowan came to join us for an Eco Day on Tuesday 18th March 2014.  P3 group started off with drama about litter louts.  We learned about not throwing litter on the ground, put it in the bin.  Second, we did re-use, reduce and be ridiculous.  This was a fashion show of outfits made from recycled materials.  We worked in groups and had to dress one person with the materials.  Thirdly, we took photos of the other groups doing the activities.  Have a look below.

By Wigtown and Kirkcowan P3


We and kirkcowan went to Stranraer to ice rink it was very cold. At the start the coaches tought us how to sliding for little while. then we started to slide and let go of the curl and then we got to the advanced part of the game……brushing to make it faster and slower and to steer the curl. the coaches tought us how to curl the play into point area. Then we had a rest for ten mins then we had a real game it was really hard theres three postions skip brushers and the bowler thier is a toss if you win the toss the other team gets point advantage we lost 4-1. I thoughly enjoyed it.

By Aaron