eco day

Today Kirkcowan came to Wigtown we had an eco day. Me and jemmas favouite bit was when i dressed up like a brides maid. It was so fun then our outher favourite bit was when we made plants in plastic bottles. we had to fill the bottles up with soille and seeds .That what we did to day the end by iona , jemma

Exciting Eco Day

Today Kirkcowan school came to Wigtown school to do eco activities.  We had to dress up in a ridiculous costume to do a catwalk .Me, Archie, Oliver, Zak and Ross  were in a group together and we dressed Oliver up as William Wallace.Oliver had a sword, a tatarn headband, tartan vest and a belt. By Michael Wigtown and Archie Kirkcowan

Our Learning 2014 Kircowan

On the 18th of March 2014 Kircowan came to Wigtown Primary to visit. All of us are having lots of fun due to all the fun Eco activities that the wounderful things the teachers have set up for us today. The teachers have organised lots of fun Eco stuff for us to do. We are learning about eco. We have had a reduse re-use and be rediculouse fashon show. We had such a fun day!

By Helena and Sharlene Wigtown Primary P4