The next day…!

Hi guys! πŸ˜‰

Today was our second day of Kingswood. I am loving it loads! πŸ˜‰

We did lots of activities today as well as yesterday (and the days to come…). Our first was Bush Craft/Shelter Building. We were in teams of five. My team was: Ross, Rueben, Connie M, Rachael and myself (obviously!). πŸ˜€

Next was the Jacob’s Ladder. It was sooooooooooooooo fun! Jacob’s Ladder is when thereΒ are REALLY big steps up to a REALLY big height! The gaps between the steps were bigger than me! It was an activity we had to do with partner. I was in a partner with Connie. We got to the 7th step and beat the Wigtown Primary School record. Yay! :p

We also did fencing, scrapheap challenge and problem solving. They were great too! πŸ˜€

My favourite activity of today was definately the Jacob’s Ladder. In fact, it was my favourite activity so far! πŸ™‚

Love Kathryn x

P.S. Hiya mum, dad, Emma, Donald and Snowy, Poppy, Charlie and Swallow!

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