Still beating the street!


Leswalt Primary continues to be the Primary school with the highest average on “Beat the Street”. 

With one day to go, can we hold onto our lead?  Keep on walking folks!  You are all doing a fantastic job!

School in the past

The children of P1-4 have been learning more about school long ago with the help of some visitors and a loan box from the museum.

Mrs Buchanan, Mrs Nina Agnew and Mrs Claire Kennedy came in to all tell the boys and girls how life at Leswalt Primary school has changed.  The whole school learned a lot from the question and answer session; like how the toilets used to be outside and children had to bring vegetables to school for their soup at lunchtime!  Old log books and registers from the school long ago were also looked at – along with a big box of fascinating photographs from the past.

The class also tried writing like they did in the past – using chalk boards and ink wells (with varying degrees of success!)

Have a look at the photographs to see how they all got on!

Leswalt Primary “Beat the street!”

All of Leswalt Primary headed into Stranraer this afternoon in an effort to “Beat the Street”.  The school split up into 4 groups and headed off in different directions.

Mrs Ferguson and her squad managed to beep an impressive 10 boxes in 1 hour – covering 4.5 miles.  Way to go!

Thanks to the effort of the whole school today they are now in 5th place out of 50 teams taking part.  Well done little Leswalt!

Have a look at the fun we had while out walking……

Education Scotland visit to Leswalt Primary

Following a visit to Leswalt Primary in June, Education Scotland have sent a letter to the staff, pupils and parents, outlining their findings.
You can view this report by clicking on this link;
As Headteacher, I would like to say I am delighted that the team from Education Scotland has published such a positive report which reflects all the commitment, enthusiasm, and enjoyment of learning together which is embedded at Leswalt Primary.  I feel very fortunate to have such an excellent team of staff, pupils and parents who all work extremely hard with the wider community to help us achieve our school aim of “being the best we can be”.

First day at school!

We welcomed 6 new Primary one pupils to Leswalt Primary today.  They were all boys – and all seemed to have a great time!  Hopefully they will come back to school for some more fun tomorrow……..


Thank you to Aldouran Wetlands

The children of p1-4 invited Jane Sloan into Leswalt Primary so they could say a special thank you for all the help all the volunteers at Leswalt Wetlands have given the school this term.  While the children were developing the school grounds, they mad some planters out of tyres.  So, for a thank you to Mrs Sloan and her team,  they made them a special ladybird and bumble bee planter for the Aldouran Wetlands to enjoy.

The children passed on their grateful thanks;

P1-4 at Leswalt have been very lucky this term and have had the chance to take part in lots of fun activities at the Wetlands.  Some of the activities include pond dipping, mini beast hunt, nature weaving and life cycles.  We love the Wetlands at Leswalt because every time we go there is always something different to do.  We were also excited to discover that there will soon be a new addition at the Wetlands, a 3 metre tall Gruffalo!  We think Jane and the team at the Wetlands are great and they do a brilliant job giving up their own time to make the Wetlands a fun place to go!Charlotte (P4), Aidan (P1), Nicole (P2)

P1-4 have been spending a lot of time at the Wetlands this term.  Jane Sloan and her team of volunteers planned lots of fun activities for us to take part in such as pond dipping, a scavenger hunt and planting Mexican Hat plants!  It is a lot of fun to go to the Wetlands and there are lots of things to see and do such as fairy doors, bug hotels, wood carvings and ducks.  Very soon they will have a new Gruffalo carving.  He is going to be huge.  3 metres tall!  We now we are very lucky at Leswalt Primary to have the Wetlands right on our doorstep.      Millie (P4), Andrew (P2), Murray (P1)

Our topic this term was called Living and Non-living Things and we were very lucky that we had the Wetlands so close by to visit.  We got to take part in lots of games and activities and they all linked in well with our topic and what we were learning in the classroom.  Soon there will be a new carving at the Wetlands, a 3 metre tall Gruffalo!  We can’t wait to go and visit it.  Thank you to all the volunteers at the Wetlands for planning so many fun activities for us.   Kirstie (P4), Cameron (P4), Robin (P2)  Jane Sloan - painted tyres - June 2016 (1)

Closing ceremony 2016

  End of session celebration of achievement 1 July 2016

Mrs Baillie welcomed a packed gym hall full of parents and friends of the school to the annual closing ceremony before calling upon Mrs Anne Ferguson to hand out the prizes.

Attendance certificates   100 % – Kathryn Topping

Behaviour certificates  

P1- Malcolm Mc Gregor

P2- Gregor Reid

P3- Phoebe Gaw

P4- Logan Wilson

P5 – Finlay Mc Millan

P6- Emily Cochrane

P7- Lauren Anderson Finlay Cowan – responsible citizens


Accelerated Reading

Star reader in p2 – Gregor Reid

Star reader in p3 Finlay Scott

Star reader in p4 – Charlotte Gaw

Star reader in p5 –Alastair Brown

Star reader in p6 – Emily Cochran and Arden Mc Intyre

Start reader in p7 – Kathryn

Star reader in p1-4 = Finlay Scott

Star reader in p5-7 = Kathryn Topping


Super Spellers

Ethan Smith, Charlotte Gaw and Megan Mc intyre


Marvellous mathematicians

Jenna Calderwood, Rebecca Brown, Alistair Brown


STAR awards – Gold level

Malcolm Mc Gregor, Breagh Kirkpatrick, Murray Williams, Auryn Kirkpatrick, Phoebe Gaw, Erin Jamieson, Millie Smith, Charlotte Gaw, Kayleigh Williams, Megan Mc Intyre,  Arden Mc Intyre, Lauren Anderson Kathryn Topping


Sports champions                        

P1- Murray Williams

P2 – Robin Mc Lean

P3 – Auryn Kirkpatrick

P4- Millie Smith

P5 – Kayleigh Williams

P6 – Jamie Drennan

P7 – Lauren Anderson

Winning house –

Soleburn     to collect by house captains Kathryn Topping and Kerr Calderwood

Sports champion p4-7

girl-   Kayleigh Williams

boy-   Jamie Drennan

P1 Booklets presented by Mrs Smith to Aidan Adams, Malcolm Mc Gregor, Maisie Sloan, Breagh Kirkpatrick and Murray Williams

Robert Burns Society prizes – To people who recited poetry at Ryan Centre – Jenna Calderwood and Lauren Anderson

– Literacy              p1-4 Gregor Reid        p5-7 Kathryn Topping

– Numeracy            p1-4   Malcolm Mc Gregor p5-7  Lauren Anderson

– Health and Wellbeing     p1-4 Erin Jamieson  p5-7  Arden Mc Intyre

Achievement award for learning p1-4 – Gregor Reid

Creativity award (Nina Agnew) – Jack Rickard

Endeavour award (Mrs Buchanan) – Finlay Cowan

Ewan Dodds football medals to the team, with most improved player going to Ethan Smith

Leaving gifts to Miss Cambridge And Rev Mike Sheppard – From the parent council and staff and pupils

Presentation of leaving gifts to P7 pupils; Rebecca Brown, Finlay Cowan, Kathryn Topping, Lauren Anderson and Kerr Calderwood

Afternoon concluded with Mrs Baillie Headteacher expressing her grateful thanks to all pupils, parents and staff for support and hard work throughout the session



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