Ice cream making

As part of their science learning and teaching Primary 5-7 have been busy making Ice cream – looking at changes in state.  There was a great variety of flavours created in the classroom;

Kathryn and Lauren made very refreshing apple and mango sorbet.  Rhona and Freya created a super fruity pink raspberry and strawberry ice cream.  Arden and Aimee used banana yogurt and meringues in with their fruit to make a tasty dessert.

Mrs Baillie popped into the class for some time, as she had to have a taste!

However, Jack and Jamie were not so impressed with their “sludge” ice cream!  Using brambles, blueberries, milk, honey, maple syrup, sugar and meringue their ice cream ended up a not so appetising looking grey colour. 

In his written response to the question “how did your ice cream look, feel and taste?” Jamie wrote “it looked like sick, it felt chunky and it tasted like turnip.  It was like swallowing an old tyre”.

The next question asked “Is there anything you might change about your manufacturing method for future batches?” Jamie answered “We would change everything – the colour, taste, amounts and flavour!”

Great effort for honesty Jamie – but not quite Masterchef material yet!

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