Month: December 2013
Christmas party and p7 night out
National Pigeon racing champions!
Mr Alec Wilson, a parent from the school, volunteered to enter 3 pigeons in the National One Loft Race, “Join our sport campaign”. This event was designed to promote pigeon racing among children, and the birds were entered under the name of Leswalt Primary. The pupils in school received photographs of their birds and a competition was held in school to name them.
A website was set up so that pupils could log in and check the progress of their pigeons . Aiyanna Wilson in Primary 6 was the pigeon expert in school, and she also provided regular updates as to how the birds were getting on.
Everyone was delighted when the final race was won by a racing pigeon from Leswalt Primary – winning the school the fantastic sum of £350. The school has since asked Mr Wilson what he would like the prize money spent on and all he asks is that the school provides a “treat for the children”.