
Acting Head Teacher: Mrs Carol Mills

Acting Principal Teacher: Mrs Anderson

Nursery: Mrs Paisley

P1: Miss Grant

P2: Mrs Wright

P2/3: Miss Snowdon

P3/4: MrsHeughan

P4/5: Miss Malin

P5/6: Mrs Anderson

P7: Miss Green

Nursery Nurse: Mrs Scott

PE Specialist: Mrs Foster

Music Specialist: Mrs Scott

Art Specialist: Miss McMichan

Classroom Assistants: Mrs Nicholson, Mrs Johnstone, Mrs Hislop, Mrs Pringle,   Mrs Little and Mrs Herbert

Learning Support Teacher: Mrs Pringle

School Secretary: Alison Goodfellow

Clerical Assistant: Mrs Hall

Home link Support: Mrs Hollywood

Teacher for Visually Impaired: Mrs Jardine

Janitors: Mr Johnstone and Mr Muir

Playground Supervisor: Mrs Devlin

Cleaning Staff: Mrs Cartner and Mrs Maxwell

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