The children in P3,4,5 have been learning all about symmetry in maths. They have done these beautiful symmetrical butterflies to illustrate this concept and have displayed them all fluttering around a big colourful flower.

P5,6,7 have put to good use , plastic bottle tops !
We have been looking at the art work of George Seurat, a French artist who devised the technique of POINTILLSM. This is a series of dots making up a picture, and here you can see how we used our skills to create an autumn tree scene using this method, but on a giant scale.
Our school is a small rural primary school, four miles from the busy market town of Castle Douglas, and serves the villages of Hardgate, Haugh of Urr and Milton.We also have many pupils from outside our natural catchment area.
We are situated a few hundred yards, up the hill, on the right hand side of the road between the two small villages of Haugh of Urr and Hardgate, having turned off the main A75 route from Gretna to Stranraer, just a few miles before Castle Douglas.
The school has a roll of 60 pupils this session, 2013 – 2014, and pupils are divided between three multi-composite classes. We also have a playgroup which meets daily in a building in our school grounds. Although this facility is privately run we have very strong links with the staff and children and they are included in many of our activities.
We are a feeder school for Castle Douglas High School, which is a 6 year comprehensive school providing a full range of subjects and qualifications for all pupils.
The school day starts at 8.55am and finishes at 3.00pm
Morning break: 10.30am to 10.50am
Lunch-time: 12.15pm to 1.00pm
Classes for this year are:
P1, 2, 3 – Mrs Tracy Martin ( Principal teacher, from January 2014)
P. 4, 5 – Miss Fiona Beattie , Mrs Gillian Russell
P, 6, 7 – Mrs Morag Courten
We also have visiting specialists for, music, art, physical education and learning support, each on a weekly basis throughout the school session.
We have a Classroom Assistant and a Support for Learning Assistant, both working on a part-time basis.
Local minister, Rev Norman Hutcheson, who has the joint charge of Dalbeattie and Haugh of Urr, has recently retired and has been replaced by Rev.Mark Smith who is standing in until a new appointment is made and is currently carrying on the tradition of weekly visits to our school.
Our aim is to promote a positive ethos within our school, and both academic and recreational achievements in and out of school are recognised and recorded by way of our ‘Tree of Achievement’ which gathers gold and green leaves over the course of the year. These are awarded at school assemblies, where each pupils’ efforts are shared with all. This tree is displayed in our foyer for all to see.
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