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Nursery Plant Sale 2014

Every year the school Gardening Club hold their annual plant sale.  This year they raised over £900.00 on the day, our highest total yet.  Mrs McQuistin and the gardening club rear the vast majority of the plants from cuttings and seeds throughout the year.  The sale is open to the school community.  All money raised goes towards improving the school grounds for the children.


January 19th 2015 Newsletter

January 13th 2015 Newsletter

January 5th 2015 Newsletter

December 15th Newsletter

December 8th Newsletter

December 2nd Newsletter

November 24th Newsletter

November 18th Newsletter

November 24th Newsletter

November 11th Newsletter

November 3rd Newsletter

October 27th Newsletter

October 6th Newsletter

September 29th Newsletter

September 22nd Newsletter

September 15th Newsletter

September 8th Newsletter

September 2nd Newsletter

August 26th 2014 Newsletter

June 16th 2014 Newsletter

June 9th 2014 Newsletter

19th May 2014 Newsletter

13th May 2014 Newsletter

7th May 2014 Newsletter

April 1st 2014 Newsletter

28th April 2014 Newsletter

March 18th 2014 Newsletter

March 10th 2014 Newsletter

March 3rd 2014 Newsletter

Video Conferencing With Heather Reid

Report on Video Conferencing With Heather Reid

Over the last few weeks we have been video conferencing with Heather Reid, OBE, we have been discussing global warming, greenhouse gases, ocean acidification, acids and alkalis and renewable and non-renewable energy. Heather Reid is a Scottish meteorologist and former weather reporter for BBC Scotland.

The first video conference was on Monday the 28th of January, we were discussing global warming, greenhouse gases and renewable and non-renewable energy. We talked about the causes and consequences of climate change and global warming. At the end we had to make posters about the most viable renewable energy source for certain parts of the world like Kenya, Hawaii, Cape Town, Orkney and Iceland.

The second video conference was on the 18th of February, to start with we were talking about ocean acidification and how it is affecting sea life and the coral reef. Then we did an experiment to test if certain household liquids were acids or alkalis. We used vinegar, water, washing up liquid, lemon juice, hand wash and apple juice, to test if they were acids we used red cabbage juice. If they went red or pink, they were acids, if they went blue or green they were alkalis or if they went purple they were neutral.

At the end we had two cups; both of them had salt water and red cabbage juice in them. In one of the cups we were to blow through a straw, which added carbon dioxide, making it go from neutral to acidic. We then had to look at the difference between the two cups and saw what is happening to the oceans.

I enjoyed doing the experiments about the acids and alkalis as well as the one about ocean acidification. I learned a lot while doing the video conferences and really enjoyed it. I hope we get to do more video conferencing and experiments with Heather Reid and that other schools get the chance too.

By Fiona Ramsay

P7 Glenluce Primary

Video Conferencing with Heather Reid

It all started when our class teacher, Mrs Downie went to Dumfries on Monday the 7th of January with colleagues from other schools to meet with Heather Reid. They talked about each school getting separate video conferences. Heather Reid, OBE, is a Scottish meteorologist and a former weather reporter for BBC Scotland. She is trying to show how interesting science can be.

After a few days of getting used to seeing our own faces on the video conference TV. Monday 28th eventually came. The first session was discussing about the causes and consequences of global warming and climate change. We also talked about greenhouse gasses and renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

During the first session Heather Reid asked us if we could create posters on the most viable and reliable source of renewable energy for different countries. Each group was given a different country to research. We are going to send to send them away to Heather later.

A few weeks later it was time for the second and last video conference with Heather. This time we talked about ocean acidification and how the ocean absorbs co2 and once the acid is in the water it rots down shells and reefs. Then later we did an acid and alkali acidification experiment with red cabbage juice, we used the juice as an acid indicator. We used different liquids like vinegar, water, washing up liquid, hand wash, lemon juice and apple juice. We worked out that they all contained acid apart for water and hand wash.

I really enjoyed the two video conferences and I learned a lot. I would like it if Heather Reid would do it again and give other schools the chance to do it too. I learned about the causes and consequences of climate change. I thought it was a very worth while and interesting experience.

By Andrew Hall

P7 Glenluce Primary School