All posts by Mrs Ferguson

Eco Calendar Success!

Brilliant news…….Rebecca Torbet and Janey-Leigh Davis are winners! The girls’ artwork has been selected from hundreds of entries across the region for next year’s Energy Agency 2016 calendar. The task was to design a poster to encourage people to think carefully about their energy use and their treatment of the world around us. We have had winners in the past, but two in one year?! What a result!

Rebecca and Janey-Leigh have been invited to an awards ceremony which will take place in Dumfries on the 22nd June.



Our Trip To Logan Botanic Gardens

On Monday 27/4/15 our whole school went to Logan Botanic Gardens and we all had a wonderful time. The weather was fine for most of the day – it only began to rain as we headed for the bus so we were very lucky!

We split into groups and enjoyed lots of different activities, some led by the Rangers. The children had a marvellous time looking at the plants. We also saw different species of fish in the fish pond and spotted a very protective mother looking after her eggs on her nest, hidden away under a bush.

Some of the activities we did were; sound recording, tree poems, wildlife treasure hunt, rainbow search, fox walking and looking for Edward the Bear!

It was great fun!

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P3/4 and Robyn Stapleton

Lucky P3/4 are embarking on an 8wk block of lessons dealing with traditional Scottish singing. This is happening every Tuesday afternoon and their tutor for this is Robyn Stapleton!

Robyn is our very own local celebrity having won the BBC Young Traditional Musician of the Year and we are delighted that she is working with us.

The pupils really enjoyed their first session with Robyn and are really looking forward to the rest.


Financial Education

Primary 6/7 are aiming to be super-savvy savers! Pam and Julie from Financial Education came in today and will deliver another session next Wednesday, with an introduction to banking and budgeting. Great opportunity to learn some important life skills.

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Welcome back

Welcome back to all staff and pupils for what promises to be a busy and action-packed term 4! Keep your eyes peeled on our blog for updates about school trips, sports events, school production and lots more!

Cross Country

On Tuesday the 3oth of March P5/6/7 went to Castle Kennedy Gardens to compete in the Rhins Cross Country Championship and did very well. We had Fraser Sullivan who came first in the p7 boys mile and a half, Abi McKinstry who came first in the p5 girls mile, Krissie Ramsay who came second in the p6 girls mile and a half, Adele Wilkinson who came third in the girls p7 mile and a half and Jenni Brooke who came third in the girls p6 mile. We had a day of mixed weather – four seasons in one day indeed! Well done to everyone who participated.

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Badminton Rhins and Machars Competition/Regional Competition


The Rhins and Machars Badminton Competition was held on Thursday 19th March at the Douglas Ewart High School.

Erin Rankin, Nicole Cockburn, Ben Mitchell, Wilson Sloan, Fraser Sullivan and Callum Donald were our school representatives as they had achieved so highly in the Rhins competition.

Fraser and Ben won Gold in the boys’ doubles. Fraser won silver in the boys’ singles and Ben won bronze. Well done to all of you who participated. We are very proud of your achievements!



On Sunday 22nd March, Ben and Fraser travelled through to the David Keswick Centre in Dumfries for the regional competition – Wilson was unable to go.

Fraser came 4th in the boys singles there. Excellent result!