All posts by Mrs Ferguson

Sports Day Fun!

Primaries 1-7 had a great time on Monday 22nd June when parents came along to enjoy their Sports Day. The sun shone and the pupils had a great time.

After a hard fought competition involving a week of sports with netball, rugby, football, scatterball, rounders and high jump, long jump and chest throw; Stair were the eventual winners! Their house captains Erin Rankin and Scott Thomson were delighted to lift the trophy for them!

Well done to sports champions too……… Rebecca Torbet and joint winners Wilson Sloan and Fraser Sullivan.


P6 at Operation Safety

It was a wet, drizzly day when P6 headed off to Operation Safety at Stair Park on Friday 5th June. Luckily there were lots of activities to do and they soon got everyone smiling!

Lots of organisations and services were on hand to help us learn about a whole range of topics. We had a great day!

Youth Club Visit 2.6.15

Glenluce Youth Club is on every Monday from 6-8pm in term-time for P7- secondary aged pupils. A juice and snack are on offer too – it’s the best £1 you could spend!

P6/7 went down on Tuesday afternoon and had a great time. Volunteers Caroline Heron and Sharon McKinstry were there to help out and chat to the pupils. They are really keen to see them come along on Monday evenings – and judging by the amount of fun had by the pupils, I think they’d love to go more often!

Check out our photos to see just some of the activities on offer…..


Football Team at Castle Kennedy Fun Day

The sun was shining for Castle Kennedy’s Fun Day on Saturday 23rd May. Our very own Glenluce Primary Football team were in action and did very well to get to the semi-finals! The eventual winners of the competition were Sandhead.

Many thanks to all those who took part and gave up their Saturday morning. Nice to see the school being represented.


The Fancy Dress Party – P4/5/6 and P6/7 show

On Thursday the 28th of May P4/5/6 and P6/7, put on a production called The Fancy Dress Party! Both the audience and all pupils enjoyed the performance. It was very memorable for P7 in particular as it was their last production for Glenluce Primary School.


The performance was based on Mr Sticker, his assistant Delilah and a sad dragon that went to a Fancy Dress Party. But they also met new people going to the Fancy Dress Party on the way and the show tells the stories of these characters. So as you can tell they had a very good time! There was lots of singing, dancing and laughing!

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Glenluce Gala Day

Fun At Glenluce Primary Gala Day

The sun shone and the crowds gathered. Great fun was had by all at Glenluce Primary’s Gala Day. Plant sales, face painting, bottle stall, Lucky Dip, Hook a Duck, the Lolly stick game to name but a few attractions.

The ‘paint your own canvas’ stall and Sand Art also proved to be very popular. The event was ably compered by parent Kenny Campbell and the teas, coffees and BBQ a big hit with everyone there!

It was lovely to see the vintage tractors and cars make an appearance and thanks also to the RNLI and Community Police for coming along too.

The inter-schools relay competition crowned Sheuchan Primary champions for the lower and upper primary races – well done to them. Thanks to pupils from Rephad, Castle Kennedy, Glenluce too for participating in this.

This event would not have been the tremendous success it was without the efforts of the P.T.A. and namely Linda Goad who put a great deal of time into the organisation. Thank you to everyone involved!IMG_0953 IMG_0965 IMG_0973 IMG_0963 IMG_0972

P4/5/6 and P6/7 School Trip

A Shrek-tastic Day Out!

On Thursday the 14th of May primary 4/5/6 and 6/7 from Glenluce Primary School went to Glasgow for an exciting 12 hour trip (yes we really were away for 12 hours!)

First we went to Scotland Street School Museum. It was a grand building, with fancy windows. It had been designed by Charles Rennie MacKintosh. We had a really fun time pretending to be pupils in World War 2 classroom. The poor desk got belted a couple of times – we were glad we didn’t!

Then we ventured along the buzzing city roads to the Kings Theatre to watch Shrek the Musical. Everyone liked Lord Farquad. He was hilarious. To make him look very small the actor had to walk on his knees! At the interval we ate our snack and settled back to enjoy even more!

On the way back we stopped at Burger King for tea.

We had a great trip away and would love to go again!

By Rachel Campbell P4 and Rebecca Torbet in P7


On Thursday 14th May p4/5/6 and P6/7 from Glenluce Primary School went to Glasgow. We went to the Scotland Street Museum and then the Kings Theatre to see Shrek the Musical.

First when we went into the museum. We saw the massive drill hall. We got a guide and were led around a 1940s and 1960s classroom. Our favourite part was the 1940s classroom because we had to act like we were from that era. The museum was designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. A relative of Sophie’s used to be head teacher there!

After the museum we went to the Kings Theatre to see Shrek the Musical. It was brilliant!  We enjoyed two hours of comedy antics. Our favourite part was the song ‘I’m a believer’!

We enjoyed the trip, it was very interesting. On the way back most people fell asleep or just played on their gadgets.

By Fraser Sullivan P7 and Caitlyn Gorman P4.


Glenluce Shrek report

On Thursday 14th of May p4/5/6/7 enjoyed a lovely day out in Glasgow. There was a lot of excitement as we boarded the bus.

First we went to the Scotland Street School museum and we found out loads of facts: one of them was the school when it first opened the school could hold up to 1250 pupils! The building was designed by Charles Rennie MacKintosh.

Next we went to the Kings Theatre to watch Shrek the Musical. We loved the character Donkey and we were amazed by the dragon’s detail. The songs were great!

After the theatre we went to Burger King for tea. Finally we went home on the bus and were talking about the theatre experience. We loved the trip. It was tiring but lots of fun.

By Archie Sloan P4 and Wilson Sloan P6

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Glenluce Primary Gardening Club Plant Sale

This popular event took place today, Wednesday 13th May. Crowds of friends, family and pupils took the opportunity to browse the fantastic selection of plants on offer. Mrs McQuistin and her Gardening Club had been extremely busy! Grand total to follow…

Very few plants are left but what is will be available to buy at our Gala Day this Saturday.


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