Glenluce Gala Day

Fun At Glenluce Primary Gala Day

The sun shone and the crowds gathered. Great fun was had by all at Glenluce Primary’s Gala Day. Plant sales, face painting, bottle stall, Lucky Dip, Hook a Duck, the Lolly stick game to name but a few attractions.

The ‘paint your own canvas’ stall and Sand Art also proved to be very popular. The event was ably compered by parent Kenny Campbell and the teas, coffees and BBQ a big hit with everyone there!

It was lovely to see the vintage tractors and cars make an appearance and thanks also to the RNLI and Community Police for coming along too.

The inter-schools relay competition crowned Sheuchan Primary champions for the lower and upper primary races – well done to them. Thanks to pupils from Rephad, Castle Kennedy, Glenluce too for participating in this.

This event would not have been the tremendous success it was without the efforts of the P.T.A. and namely Linda Goad who put a great deal of time into the organisation. Thank you to everyone involved!IMG_0953 IMG_0965 IMG_0973 IMG_0963 IMG_0972