P4/5/6 and P6/7 School Trip

A Shrek-tastic Day Out!

On Thursday the 14th of May primary 4/5/6 and 6/7 from Glenluce Primary School went to Glasgow for an exciting 12 hour trip (yes we really were away for 12 hours!)

First we went to Scotland Street School Museum. It was a grand building, with fancy windows. It had been designed by Charles Rennie MacKintosh. We had a really fun time pretending to be pupils in World War 2 classroom. The poor desk got belted a couple of times – we were glad we didn’t!

Then we ventured along the buzzing city roads to the Kings Theatre to watch Shrek the Musical. Everyone liked Lord Farquad. He was hilarious. To make him look very small the actor had to walk on his knees! At the interval we ate our snack and settled back to enjoy even more!

On the way back we stopped at Burger King for tea.

We had a great trip away and would love to go again!

By Rachel Campbell P4 and Rebecca Torbet in P7


On Thursday 14th May p4/5/6 and P6/7 from Glenluce Primary School went to Glasgow. We went to the Scotland Street Museum and then the Kings Theatre to see Shrek the Musical.

First when we went into the museum. We saw the massive drill hall. We got a guide and were led around a 1940s and 1960s classroom. Our favourite part was the 1940s classroom because we had to act like we were from that era. The museum was designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. A relative of Sophie’s used to be head teacher there!

After the museum we went to the Kings Theatre to see Shrek the Musical. It was brilliant!  We enjoyed two hours of comedy antics. Our favourite part was the song ‘I’m a believer’!

We enjoyed the trip, it was very interesting. On the way back most people fell asleep or just played on their gadgets.

By Fraser Sullivan P7 and Caitlyn Gorman P4.


Glenluce Shrek report

On Thursday 14th of May p4/5/6/7 enjoyed a lovely day out in Glasgow. There was a lot of excitement as we boarded the bus.

First we went to the Scotland Street School museum and we found out loads of facts: one of them was the school when it first opened the school could hold up to 1250 pupils! The building was designed by Charles Rennie MacKintosh.

Next we went to the Kings Theatre to watch Shrek the Musical. We loved the character Donkey and we were amazed by the dragon’s detail. The songs were great!

After the theatre we went to Burger King for tea. Finally we went home on the bus and were talking about the theatre experience. We loved the trip. It was tiring but lots of fun.

By Archie Sloan P4 and Wilson Sloan P6

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