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Wow! Were you lucky enough to see our performance of ‘ Warriors- the Emperor’s Incredible Army’ on Wednesday 25th March?! What a show- what a brilliant day! P4/5/6 and P6/7 of Glenluce Primary got together with P4-7 from Castle Kennedy and Drochduil Primaries and enjoyed a fantastic day working with four representatives from The Scottish Opera. We had learned the song words in advance with our teachers and Mrs Hart and then participated in drama workshops on Wednesday morning. We then presented our show to eager friends and family on Wednesday afternoon. A brilliant experience! Keep an eye on the Free Press for our photos!


Glenluce Scottish Country Dancers

country dancers

What a talented bunch we are lucky enough to have here Glenluce Primary. Having been well taught by Mrs Calvert and Mrs Torbet, our nimble footed dance team did us proud at the Douglas Ewart High School on Tuesday 24th March. The pupils involved were Krissie Ramsay, Archie Sloan, Sophie Hall, Wilson Sloan, Rebecca Torbet, Ben Mitchell, Callum Donald and Abi McKinstry with Cameron McKie as a reserve.