A massive well done to all of the pupils involved in the Text Santa Appeal. This fund-raising event was entirely the pupils’ own work and we are immensely proud of the fantastic job they did! Scott Thomson, Ben Mitchell and Callum DonaldĀ  initiated the plans and they were very ably assisted by Erin Rankin, Wilson Sloan, Tommy McKinstry, Cameron McKie, Rachael Murphy, Rebecca Torbet and Kelci-Ann Keith. They managed to raise a fabulous Ā£114! Huge thanks to everyone who gave so generously. Well done! Merry Christmas to you all.

Christmas Carols!

Huge thanks to the pupils (present, past and future!)Ā who turned out on Saturday night at the Community event at the Village Hall, and at the church service on Sunday evening. How lovely to hear traditional carol-singing. Very much appreciated by us all – thank you!

Badminton Doubles Champions!

Well done to Ben and Fraser – Gold Medal winners in the Badminton Doubles Competition on Monday 8th December at Stranraer Academy. We are all very proud!

Well done also to Erin and Nicole – Silver medallists. Photo of the girls to follow as Nicole is absent at the moment.

P6/7 at Carlingwark

Wow! What a couple of days we have had! Great fun, fairly wild weather and a lot of laughs. Mr Ferguson, Mrs Ferguson and Miss McGeoch enjoyed the company of our 27 P6/7 pupils who were all in good spirits. We participated in mountain biking, orienteering and hill-walking and some of it was tough going……. but what an experience! We have uploaded just a few of the photos we took. Hopefully we will get a display board set up in school too. We look forward to reading your comments!

Badminton Success!

Well done to Fraser Sullivan for winning the Rhins Primary Boys’ Singles Badminton competition at Stranraer Academy on Monday 1st December!

Well done also to Wilson Sloan for coming thirdĀ  – the highest ranking P6 pupil in the competition!

Brilliant result boys.