Operation Safety

On Wednesday 10th of October P7s went to DuPont. There were 5 sets of activities which were supervised and controlled by Scottish Power, ambulance service, police force and fire brigade. The first activity was with the ambulance service. There was a lady lying on the floor with one foot on a chair. She was an actress pretending to be unconscious. We were to try and save her while we waited for the ambulance to come.  We went to move her foot off the  chair and she screamed so loud. It gave everyone in the room a mini  heart attack. The next activity was an internet safety task with a twist that no one expected. After that our team went down stairs to spot some dangers around the room. It was very interesting seeing all the different dangers. After that we went to firework safety/ bonfire safety. We had to throw a cardboard firework and try not hit a picture of a mum and her baby. We answered some questions about the bonfire night and then went to our  final set which was Scottish Power. We learned about the dangers of electricity and what the signs do. Our day was really interesting and good fun.


Hannah P7

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