All posts by Miss Dooley

Hello Friends!

P3 have been receiving letters from and sending emails to the boys and girls in Mrs Prodlock’s new class in Abu Dhabi.  We have given them the address to look at our class blog.  If they click on the page on the right hand side called ‘Our Achievements’ they will be able to see pictures of us and make comments on each picture.  We are looking forward to hearing from them again!

P3 as pirates....aaarrrhhh!

World Book Day!

Thursday 7th March 2013 was World Book Day and P3 dressed up as characters from books and took part in various book and reading themed activities.  Click on the page opposite to explore our photographs from World Book Day.


Our most recent topic has been magnets.  We have been carrying out science experiments.  Click on and explore the pages opposite to look at photographs of us carrying out some science experiments.

Singing Sharing Day!

We have been learning some songs with Mrs Malloch and on Friday 1st March 2013 we travelled to Borgue to share our singing with some other schools who had also been learning some songs.  Our song was ‘Pirate Captain’ and we performed this for the other schools and took part in other singing games.  Click on the page ‘Singing Sharing Day’ to look at our photographs and watch a video of us performing our song. 

Internet Safety

Primary 3 are very good at using a computer and we are a whiz on the Internet! 🙂 However, it is always very important to use the Internet safely and sensibly.  Click on the pictures below to look at some Internet safety posters with some rules for staying safe on the Internet.  Click on the Internet safety links to explore some activities and interactive games that will help you understand how to stay safe on the Internet ———————————->

We will be using text ease to design our own Internet safety posters this week and will upload them for you to look at.

London 2012 Paralympics

At the beginning of term 1 we took part in a topic to celebrate the London 2012 Paralympics. We participated in a number of different activities and even had a visit from a Paralympian athlete. Click on the page London 2012 Paralypics to look at our photographs from that topic.


Hello everyone and welcome to the P3 blog for 2012 – 2013.  On our blog you will be able to see the things we have been doing in school, upcoming events, links to other sites we use and any other news.  Please feel free to explore our blog and leave a comment for us 🙂



Hello there! We are P3!