Last day of last session

It seams like a dream now however here are some pics from the last day of last session. Bird Spotting in the morning, a round of golf on our own course (see design video below) in the afternoon, some final awards and the usual farewells to the P7s.


Digital Learning Week

We’re taking part in Digital Learning Week tomorrow. P5-7 and Mr Archibald are hosting a Learnmeet on Glow TV which is open for all schools in Scotland to join us on. We’re hoping to share some of our digital learning.

Although parents won’t be able to join this live, we’re going to have another iCoffee Afternoon near the end of term where we hope to screen a recording there for anyone who wants to see how it went.

iPad mini Pilot Project Review

As part of an iPad Pilot Project, conducted by five primary schools in Dumfries and Galloway, I have been asked to give feedback on the project so far, by sharing observations and recommendations. For anyone interested in my findings, please click iPad Pilot Project Review to read the report. You may comment below too.


Above is a story about us in the Dumfries and Galloway Standard.

We also got some feedback from the Scottish Education Award Judges which we are allowed to share below.

Well done again to everyone involved and also to those mentioned below:

Dear Mr Archibald,

We just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and the Brydekirk team for today. We really appreciate the hard work and time that everyone put in to making us feel so welcome. We were all struck by the enthusiasm and confidence of everyone we spoke to. Please pass on our thanks to the parents who took the time to come and talk to us today too. It really helped to give us a rounded understanding of everyone’s perspective.

It was good to get a chance to speak to Marion and Deidre about their perspective on the iCoffee events. And a great problem solving opportunity for Mhari, Lexi and Emily who came up with a fantastic solution to the Peppa Pig problem- very good thinking girls!

We were very impressed by the range of apps that the children explained to us clearly- we all learned lots, thank you (but we still think Martyn learned most)! It was really helpful to be able to see the apps in action and gave us a clear idea about how having the iPads is making your learning better. It was really useful to show us examples of what you had been doing as well as explaining it to us.

The writing you did around ‘A Christmas Carol’ really blew us away. Duncan, thank you for explaining the process to us and you dealt really well with having a shorter amount of time than you planned for too. The effort and hard work you all put into the project is amazing. We will definitely look out for the blog post.

Sandy did a great job of summing up the benefits of having access to technology in its many forms at the end and coped brilliantly under time pressure. I certainly don’t envy you Mr Archibald in having to decide who comes along to the awards ceremony in June. That will be a tough decision but I’m sure the children will help.

Finally Mr Archibald, special thanks to you. We all appreciate how busy a teacher’s job is and we are very grateful for the time you have taken to prepare for the visit and coordinate the range of people we spoke to.

Best wishes

Alison, Martyn and Tony

Olympic Sailing Hopscotch

Some pupils having been using an app called Hopscotch. It’s a great way to learn various elements of mathematics including movement and rotation whilst also learning how to code.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="480" height="270" allowfullscreen="true" /]

If this video doesn’t appear please click here.

How to log into Kid Blog

As explained in the last Parent Information Update, the last parent Kid Blog codes will be issued tomorrow. You need the code and an email address to log into our class blogs. Please follow the help video below. Thanks very much to Mark for taking his own time and effort for making this video. Well done Mark.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="480" height="260" allowfullscreen="true" /]

If this link above does not appear, click here.

Parent Information Update

Thanks to Parents and Pupils who attended the Parent Information session last night from 6-7pm; we hope you found it useful.

For those not able to make it, the update included information and discussion from:

  • P5-7 Christmas Cards (coming soon)
  • New Scholastic and School books bought for Accelerated Reader library
  • New Projector and Screen bought with funds from the Community Council (thanks again)
  • Our School Rationale and Yearly plans
  • Pending updates to the school blogs

The second half of the session was used to explain how our new technology is making an impact on learning. Much of the changes have come about due to each pupil in P5-7 now having a dedicated tablet, although much of the learning is happening throughout the school and can still continue at home, if required, due to the resources being on the Internet.

Mr Archibald gave a description of how we approach spelling practice in the school using Spelling City and Schonell’s Essential Spelling List. Setup correctly, Spelling City gives each pupil the right words to practice every week and a choice of fun activities focused upon their words. Whilst it’s taken a bit of time to get setup we are now taking this forward for all pupils ready for the Essential Spelling List. Along with in class, Mr Archibald wants his Pupils to practice spelling at home using Spelling City and Parents and Pupils who attended felt that this was achievable. Spelling City offers many advantages to practicing words which will have an impact on learning however Mr Archibald felt that its greatest advantage was that it freed up his time to teach, such that he could ask some of his pupils in class to practice a Spelling City assignment, whilst he read or taught with another group. As Spelling City logs every piece of work, Mr Archibald is then able to check or mark the work later on, all through the internet.

iXL was discussed next which offers very similar benefits to learners and teachers as Spelling City except in Maths. Nearly all of our pupils have a login and it is available on the Internet (so at home and school). The benefits of iXL are more pronounced in a class with 1:1 tablet access where it is very convenient to login and start learning. Mr Archibald explained that iXL is used to consolidate work, or practice work that he has already taught and that again he can see exactly how every Pupil is developing.

The last significant change that was discussed was Kid Blog. Each pupil in P5-7 has a a blog, very similar to this site, which allows them to share their work, from in school and any achievements or learning from home. Kid Blog is the site we use to manage the blogs and it is setup specifically for classes. Kid Blog, coupled with a dedicated tablet and an appropriate approach to learning, gives a window into each Pupil’s learning. It is a brilliant way to exchange and record feedback and also to organise prior learning. At the moment the P5-7 blogs are private however last night Mr Archibald gave parents access codes and explained how to login, through the Internet or free iPad app and to access the class blogs. Parents attending last night managed this and were then able to look at work and also comment, which is fantastic. I would like all P5-7 Parents to have access to our class and comment on our work, this gives Parents a far more up-to-date picture of our learning and also gives our class an audience.

Mr Archibald also explained about how the developments above were funded, the New Digital Agreement, unfiltered Internet access, how the school uses data, including images and video and the associated websites. This was managed all in 1 hour too.

Thanks again to all who attended.


All parents are invited to an Information Evening, to be held on Wednesday 4th December from 6.00 to 7.00 pm in school.

The Staff will give an update on our Rationale, Plans for the Year and also how we are now approaching Spelling, Maths and Profiling given the introduction of new Technology.

This is for all parents from P1-7 and also any pupils from P5-7 that can make it along.

Thanks again for your support.

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