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This week in literacy we have been practicing our sounds and we are getting much better at remember all the different sounds to help us read and spell.
Today we wrote a book review on ‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers. Most of us gave it a rating of 5 stars! Our favourite parts of the book were all of the animals, people and the solar system.

In numeracy we were using think board to show different ways to show a number.

The active schools coordinator Justin played some games with us this week. Some of our favourites were cups and saucers and toilet tig.

In health and wellbeing, we were talking about how we might feel different feelings and emotions in our bodies.

One week left until the end of term, this term is definitely going by fast!


This week has just flown by!

This week in literacy we created our own story, you could ask your child at home what their story was about. They also illustrated it and made it into a little book. There have been lots of great ideas and I have enjoyed reading them!

In numeracy we have been practicing writing missing numbers as well as skip counting.

During health and wellbeing we have been talking about what makes us think and feel different thoughts and emotions. During gym we have been getting much better at using our own space during games and activities.

In religious education we spoke about the Holy Trinity and that Saint Patrick used the shamrock to explain it.

Star of the Week went to Piotr for focusing brilliantly in class especially during numeracy lessons.  Well done Piotr!



We have had a great week of learning!

In literacy we have been continuing to practice our sounds and learn new ones. We have been reading our Read Write Inc. books with a partner.  Today we created plan for our story that we will be writing next week. Everyone had great ideas of what they are going to write about and I can’t wait to read them!

In numeracy, one group was working on number sequences and the other was focusing on ordering numbers and number bonds within 100.

During IDL we were learning about herbivores and carnivores, we also created a dinosaur bone picture with cotton buds.

We gave out two Star Pupil certificates. One to Nieve for excellent listening and being kind. The other certificate was from Mr Albayati which was awarded to Scarlett for  always showing excellent manners.


What a busy week we have had!

In numeracy, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
We have also been using numicon and dienes to work out our number bonds.

In literacy, we have been learning some new sounds, doing lots of reading as well as practicing our handwriting. Today, we created a character for our story we will be writing.

In health and wellbeing we have been looking at how people may show their feelings through facial expressions and body language. We also created mood monsters which are displayed on our window.

During I.D.L we were looking at maps to see where dinosaurs used to live when they roamed the world.


It has been a very busy first few weeks back. We are getting used to lots of different changes including eating lunch in our classroom and lots of hand washing!

In numeracy we have been going back over counting, sequencing  and building on our previous knowledge. We have also been using think boards to show our working.

In literacy we have been practicing our sounds everyday. Last week we read the colour monster together and today we were writing imaginative sentences about dinosaurs!

During PE we were experimenting with different ways of moving around using spacial awareness.