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Primary 7 Cooperative Learning

Primary 7 are continuing to work in their cooperative learning teams for a variety of lessons and this week Stewart visited us and taught us a few different strategies. We had the opportunity to work with other members of the class and took part in a consulting line discussion, through these tasks we are building our confidence and developing our talking and listening skills.

Primary 7 Word Goals

Last week Primary 7 created their own Word Goals, this is a word that helps them focus on an area in which they wish to improve, grow or do more of.  As a class we talked about possible words, such as perseverance, focus, patience, responsible and lots more.  Each pupil completed a planning sheet and they had to brainstorm 6 possible word goals for themselves, they then chose one of these and completed a speech bubble for the wall outside our classroom.  We then made a Bitmoji of everyone to go alongside their goals, they look amazing!

This goal can be shared with someone at home and each pupil can discuss the action steps they can take to meet their goal.

Primary 7 Numeracy

Primary 7 have been revising fractions and took part in a quiz relating to finding fractions of a quantity, next we will be learning about improper fractions and mixed numbers.

There is a fantastic website that can be accessed at home and the children can select areas of numeracy that they wish to focus on. The website is:

Super Maths World

Primary 7 Literacy with Mrs Christie

Last week was our last visit from Mrs Christie. We have had four lessons from Mrs Christie,  teaching us the ways in which to create an effective story – we will now work on creating our own stories based on our Titanic topic.

On Friday, we had four lucky winners of the literacy quiz and each won a chocolate Santa! Thank you Mrs Christie!