Primary 7 took part in mental maths outdoors today, this was focusing on times tables and skip counting.
Primary 7 took part in mental maths outdoors today, this was focusing on times tables and skip counting.
Primary 7 have enjoyed catching up with their buddies after the October holidays. We have spent some time at the Pod, read stories together and also helped the Primary 1’s with their number work.
Primary 7 were responsible for organising the Macmillan Coffee Morning and what a success it was! We raised £1100 in total and the class worked very hard all morning! The money will be split between Macmillan and Breast Cancer Care, well done Primary 7!
Primary 7 took part in Safe Taysiders held at Baluniefield Police Station. They took part in various workshops involving fire safety, stranger awareness, anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse. The children thoroughly enjoyed these workshops and learned a lot!
We are very excited in Primary 7 to have our own box of Kapla in our classroom! We took time on Friday afternoon to work together with Kapla and we created some amazing things!
Primary 7 have been spending time with their buddies and helping them in the ICT suite. They took it in turns to use the laptops and desktop computers and Primary 1 did a fantastic job!
On our way to Dalguise we stopped off in Dunkeld, we ate our lunch and had fun in the park!
Primary 7 have had an amazing weekend at Dalguise, here are a few pictures, more to follow!
Primary 7 have been learning some different strategies for long multiplication and revising place value. They have taken part in lots of number talks and played various games to deepen their understanding and develop their mental math ability.
Beat the Teacher place value remains a favourite in P7 and this can be played at home too!